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Please enjoy lunch in the fellowship hall with our welcoming team.

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Presentation on theme: "Please enjoy lunch in the fellowship hall with our welcoming team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please enjoy lunch in the fellowship hall with our welcoming team.
Announcement New to the KCPC Family? Please enjoy lunch in the fellowship hall with our welcoming team. Get to know us and learn how you can become a part of our church family!

2 Fall Retreat: Save the Date!
Announcement Fall Retreat: Save the Date! 10/ /27: Weekend (for a one- time event during a weekend,such as a retreat) - Conference Center, Mount Hermon Plan ahead and set aside this weekend where we all will gather at the Santa Cruz mountains! Details coming soon!

3 Announcment WORLD MISSIONS
KCPC Summer Cambodia Mission Team: For opportunities to share the Gospel with the Cambodian people. SUMMER MISSIONS TEAM in CAMBODIA, JULY 27- AUGUST 11, 18. Tim, Moonsook & Irene, Cambodia: For Tim’s leadership of the Cambodia summer missions team. Mark, Japan: For their relationship with the Japanese church; they will be in the US 4-8 years.

4 Announcment

5 Cambodia Mission Team Announcement Daniel Jin, Eun-Sook Yu
Herman Lee, Jane Lee Jin Woo, Jonathan Park Jongmin Choi, Joyce Lee Lynn Park, Pastor In Sandra Han, Sarah Cha Solomon Kim

6 Announcment Did you know?
We have two major post-college mailing lists: -Official s from deacons and pastors only - Unofficial s from any member To be added or removed,

7 Announcment Did you know?
We like acronyms. Here's a list of our most commonly used ones: EM English Ministry FICB Fellowship In Christ, Berkeley KM Korean Ministry FICS Fellowship In Christ, Stanford CM Children's Ministry YAG Young Adult Group AWANA Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed MCG Married Couples Group YG Youth Group

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