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Rules for Determining Significant figures

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1 Rules for Determining Significant figures

2 In science, measured values are reported in terms of significant figures.
Significant figures- in a measurement consist of all the digits known with the certainty plus one final digit, which is somewhat uncertain or estimated.

3 1. All nonzero digits are significant 325 3.21
3 significant figures 4, 4 significant figures

4 Examples: How many significant figures?
b) 85236 c) 52 d) 10 e) 94.32

5 2. Zeros between nonzero digits are significant
4 significant figures

6 a) 101 b) 2102 C) d) 60510 e)

7 3. Zeros at the end of a number AND to the right of a decimal are significant figures.
6 significant 4 significant figures figures

8 a) b) c) 50.0 d) 500 e) 6.030

9 4. Zeros to the right of a decimal BUT before a nonzero digit are not significant figures.
1 significant 3 significant figures Figure 0.0(258) 0.00(3)

10 a) 0.002 b) c) d) .068 e)

11 How many significant figures?
B. 100 1 significant figure C D 3 significant figures

12 NOTE: *Importante* When working out calculations, your answer should have the same number of significant figures as the number in the problem with the least number of significant figures. For example: = ?

13 How many significant figures? Which rule applies? 45.00 0.0012
4 figures 2 figures 3 figures figures 5 figures figure 2 figures figures

14 Density (D) = mass (m) volume (v)
More practice: Density (D) = mass (m) volume (v) So, what is the density of an object if the mass is g and volume is12.7 mL? 11.079g D = 12.7mL g/mL answer but using the correct significant figures ……. Answer with correct significant figures = g/mL

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