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Electricity— high demand product for daily lives

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1 Electricity— high demand product for daily lives
Energy Electricity— high demand product for daily lives Electric generator---device that converts other forms of energy into electricity

2 Fossil Fuels coal, oil, natural gas---remains of dead organisms from millions of years ago use to make electricity or as a fuel source for plane, trains and automobiles

3 OIL and NATURAL GAS (Methane)
Made from the decayed remains of sea creatures which died millions of years ago Even though it was not made from dead plants or animals, nuclear fuel is considered to be a fossil fuel because it comes from the ground and is running out.

4 These fuels were dug out of the ground
These fuels were dug out of the ground. They had taken millions of years to make and so are called FOSSIL FUELS and are NON-RENEWABLE. COAL: Made from the remains of plants which died millions of years ago


6 Fossil Fuels Finite resource— only so much on the planet Nonrenewable resource —only can be used once

7 Nuclear Energy energy from the nucleus of an atom Nuclear Fission—subatomic bonds are broken apart— huge amount of energy is released


9 Advantage for Nuclear Power
1.) High in energy 2.) Well run reactor— low maintenance and low fuel needs 3.) No CO2 production

10 Safety Concerns 1.) Radioactive products/accidents 1957— Chernobyl Russia Three Mile Island PA Fukushima Japan

11 Nuclear Fusion lightweight atomic nuclei combine — releases energy this energy powers stars technically difficult to do because you need high temps 100,000,000°C Not yet recreated in a laboratory


13 Sustainable Energy Future
1.) Conservation – use less energy —turn thermostat down, walk, bike, carpool, energy efficient products

14 2.) Solar Energy—from the sun
clean, safe, renewable 3 types passive solar active solar solar cells

15 Passive solar heating sunlight heats buildings directly w/o pump or fan--- energy efficient windows facing south so it can get as much sun during the day as possible

16 Active solar heating series of collectors that absorb solar energy and converts it to heat

17 Solar cells converts solar energy into electricity

18 WIND Its caused by solar energy —the sun heats the earth unevenly causing temperature difference causing air to move to equalize temperature

19 Wind-generator captures the winds energy with the use of a turbine converts it to electricity Negatives: noise, not attractive, migratory birds and bats

20 Hydroelectricity the water moves a turbine to create electricity need height —so use a dam renewable, clean, no waste Negatives--- dam changes habitats blocks migration routes of some fish.


22 Geothermal uses the heat from the earth to drive electric generators—similar to fossil fuels renewable, clean, no waste Negative--- only can be in certain locations

23 Iceland

24 Biomass 1.) organic matter from plants or plant products---ex: wood renewable, save fossil fuel negative: CO2, smoke


26 2.) Waste to energy pulp/paper industry sugar cane industry Both use wastes to generate electricity

27 3.) Liquid fuels ex: methanol—from wood ethanol--- from corn, fruit, agriculture waste “Cleaner” than gasoline and diesel Negative— CO2 emissions, Can use more resources depending on source materials

28 Hydrogen clean burning gas from the splitting of water Non pollution---”waste” is water Negative— storage-need high pressure or chilling method to hold enough for use in a car


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