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Understanding Standards Advanced Higher Chemistry

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2 Understanding Standards Advanced Higher Chemistry
November 2016

3 Welcome Introducing the Advanced Higher Team Principal Assessor
Senior Team Leaders Team Leaders

4 Aims of the Day To support attendees in their understanding of national standards. paper construction national marking standards and quality control grade boundaries review of candidate evidence with respect to the Marking Instructions

5 Timetable for the day Registration, Tea and Coffee 09:00 – 09:30 Welcome :30 – 09:35    Morning Workshops 09:35 – 12:00 Lunch :00 – 12.45 Afternoon Workshops 12:45 – 15:15 Close :15

6 Understanding Standards
Question Paper

7 Activities for the Session
Paper construction and grade boundaries 10 min Calculations 45 min Open-ended questions 45 min Challenging points (2016) 45 min Full papers

8 The Paper Construction Process
Writing team: Principal Assessor and 3 writers 2 x paper checking meetings Pre-review: Principal Assessor, Writers, Qualification Manager/Qualification Officer and Reviewers Paper Review: Principal Assessor, Qualification Manager/Qualification Officer and Reviewers Paper Validation: Teacher and Lecturer Final proof checked: Principal Assessor

9 Marking and Quality Control Process
Standardisation: Principal Assessor, Senior Team Leaders and Team Leaders Marking: Marker briefing, practice and qualification Seeded papers and additional sampling Marker Reports Exceptional Circumstances Marking Review

10 Setting Grade Boundaries
Marker Reports The analysis grid for the paper Statistics: facility values; discrimination Grade boundary meeting: Senior SQA personnel Did the assessment perform as predicted?

11 Understanding Standards
Question Paper Workshop 1 Calculations

12 Units Common mistakes: KJ or kJ Kelvin Equilibrium constant - K mol-1 or mol l-1 Rate constant - k

13 Significant Figures

14 Significant Figures Fewest number of significant figures in data is 2.

15 Significant Figures Answer in calculator: Answer should be to 2 significant figures. -130 However, 1 fewer is acceptable: -100 and up to two more are also acceptable: -128 -127.5

16 Understanding Standards
Question Paper Workshop 2 Open-ended Questions

17 Marked holistically: Good understanding 3 marks Reasonable understanding 2 marks Limited understanding 1 marks No understanding 0 marks A good understanding is not an excellent one.

18 Understanding Standards
Question Paper Workshop 3 Points of Challenge

19 Q3(a)(i) d-d splitting and paramagnetism

20 Q3(b)(ii) d-d splitting and paramagnetism

21 Q3 d-d splitting and paramagnetism

22 Q7(b)(ii) Rotation of plane polarised light Racemic mixtures

23 Q7(b)(ii) Rotation of plane polarised light Racemic mixtures

24 Q7(c) Reaction mechanisms Curly arrows Atom connectivity

25 Q9(b)(i) Apparatus diagram

26 Q9(b)(i) Apparatus diagram

27 Q9(b)(ii) Solubility of products

28 Q9(b)(iii) pH of salt solutions

29 Q9(b)(iv) Choice of solvent in recrystallisation

30 Understanding Standards Full Papers and General Discussion
Question Paper Full Papers and General Discussion


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