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Activator: Epic Journey of the Plastic Ducks

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1 Activator: Epic Journey of the Plastic Ducks

2 Ocean Currents What causes ocean currents? NASA: Perpetual Ocean
How do ocean currents distribute heat around the globe and interact with climate and weather?

3 Currents in the ocean are three types
Surface Deep (density) Upwelling Currents are streams of moving water in the ocean

4 Surface currents are caused by strong winds blowing over the ocean
Surface currents are caused by strong winds blowing over the ocean. They are mainly the result of the Coriolis Effect They extend from the surface to feet down Cover large areas of ocean They curve with the rotation of Earth Currents in the Northern Hemisphere flow in a clockwise pattern. In the Southern Hemisphere, they flow in a counterclockwise pattern. They carry warm water away from equator and cold water away from the poles They affect Earth’s climate

5 Continents: Currents will deflect off continents. In the northern hemisphere…east coast currents are warm and west coast currents are cold.

6 Video Clips related to Surface Currents
Pacific Gyre Garbage Patch Surface Currents NASAkids Awareness Video

7 D. Antarctic Subpolar Which ocean current is not deflected?
Benguela C. East Australia North Pacific D. Antarctic Subpolar


9 Climate and Weather Currents help distribute heat around the globe by moving warm and cold water around. The moving water changes the temperature of the air above it.

10 The Gulf Stream is the “red river”
HOW SURFACE CURRENTS AFFECT CLIMATE Oceans absorb more of the sun’s radiation than land. Water retains heat longer than land, therefore, the oceans play a major part in determining the type of weather across the Earth Examples: Winnipeg and Cork, Ireland’s mild climate is due to heat the Gulf Stream brings to it! The Gulf Stream is the “red river”

11 The Gulf Stream (surface current) moves five hundred times as much water as the Amazon. Warmed by the Caribbean sun, it flows northwards along the North American coastline until it reaches sub polar waters. Greenland Iceland

12 Red are warm currents Blue are cold currents

13 Surface Currents affect weather....Gulf Stream’s affect on
Winnipeg and Cork Greenland Iceland Average Temperature Daily Sunshine (hours) Average Total Rainfall (in.) Trace Average Wind Speed (mph) 11 mph Average No. Days w/Snow/Sleet 15 Average Total Snowfall (inches) 8.8 in Average Temperature Daily Sunshine hours Average Total Rainfall (in.) 5 ½ in. Average Wind Speed (mph) 15 mph Average No. Days w/Snow/Sleet 4.5 Average Total Snowfall (inches) Trace

14 El Nino Beware of El Nino, an abnormal climate event that occurs every 2-7 years in the Pacific Ocean. El Nino - YouTube

15 Deep Currents are caused by differences in the density of the water.
This type of current depends on two factors: salinity and temperatures. As temperature decreases and salinity increases, the water becomes denser and sinks. These differences cause water to move and mix water around the world like a giant conveyor belt. These currents flow more slowly than surface currents.

16 Upwelling is the upward movement of cold water from the ocean’s depths.
As winds blow away warm surface water, cold water rises to replace it. This movement brings up nutrients to the animals at the surface. Demo One major area of upwelling lies in the Pacific Ocean off the west coast of South America . importance

17 Summarizer: Create a drawing, symbol, or gesture to summarize each type of current.

18 Answer the following: What causes ocean currents?
How do ocean currents distribute heat around the globe and interact with climate and weather?

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