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Introducing PRECIS for the new century

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing PRECIS for the new century"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing PRECIS for the new century
Following installations in counties around the nation, Election Data Services announces a major upgrading of the country’s leading precinct mapping system.

2 Major Upgrade of PRECIS
PRECIS® has been completely rewritten to take advantage of ESRI’s new versions of ArcView® and ArcGISTM. ArcView is the world’s most popular desktop GIS…used by more counties in the nation than all other GIS combined.

3 How do you change your precincts?
Using: Paper maps Colored pencils Rolls of adding machine tape Significant outlays of time Substantial numbers of staff “Only when I can’t avoid it any longer.”

4 The pressure for change is growing
More registered voters due to NVRA “Motor Voter” and HAVA Increasingly mobile population New streets and housing units Reapportionment and redistricting Court-ordered redistricting changes New taxing and other special districts “PRECIS – the solution for the growing needs of today’s election administrators”

5 Now you can: Adjust precinct boundaries and instantly see how the results affect your registered voters Display your voters on a map Check voter assignments Create maps of your precincts and districts Generate ballot style reports Add new streets and edit street information

6 A Geographic Information System (GIS)
A geographic solution to your precinct problems

7 With GIS, you can overlay any number of district-based configurations

8 For example, display your State House Districts

9 Display your precincts too

10 Zoom in… and labels appear automatically

11 Zoom in further… and street names appear

12 See where your voters reside

13 You can label voters with different styles

14 PRECIS and HAVA Putting voters on the map allows PRECIS to play a critical role in the implementation of HAVA:  Voter cross checking  Combining precincts or redrawing precinct boundaries

15 Voter Cross-checking Finally there is a way to find invalid voter assignments to precincts. PRECIS will automatically cross-check voter assignments to precincts in your voter registration system with the spatial locations of voter addresses on the map.

16 Voters are color coded according to their
precinct assignments An X marks a voter whose precinct assignment is incorrect

17 Here, an entire street has been coded incorrectly in the voter registration street file

18 Precinct Changes PRECIS can dramatically speed up the time needed to redraw boundaries or combine precincts. You can test different ways of moving precinct boundaries and instantaneously receive updated voter counts before making the changes permanent.

19 A floating toolbar contains a spreadsheet with counts of registered voters by precinct

20 Select the precinct to which you want to add voters
Select the precinct to which you want to add voters. The shading turns red and the precinct becomes “active.”

21 Select a block, and see the impact immediately!



24 Add other blocks, and voter tallies are updated instantaneously.

25 If you are satisfied with the results, click “Assign
If you are satisfied with the results, click “Assign.” Your precinct is changed.

26 New precinct boundaries are created
New precinct boundaries are created. Display both the old and new boundaries to show the changes.

27 PRECIS Benefits Once precinct changes are made, just the click of one button will produce a new street file …in just a matter of minutes!

28 Street File Generation
Address ranges, with starting and ending house numbers, whether on the odd or even side or both sides of all streets in your jurisdiction.

29 Street File Generation
Street files can be custom formatted to feed right into your voter registration system, whether a local or statewide system. PRECIS can work with any voter registration system, whether it’s “home grown,” or acquired from a vendor.

30 System or Services PRECIS is available for installation in your office (complete with training and on-going technical support) Or Election Data Services can travel to your office and perform all PRECIS precincting tasks as a service.

31 Ask for a demo or more information
Election Data Services, Inc 1401 K Street, NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC (202)

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