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Chapter Officer Duties

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1 Chapter Officer Duties
By Gretchen Iversen Modified by Mrs. Halkiades Fall 2007

2 Chapter Leaders Work Together as a Team

3 There are 6 Constitutional Offices in FFA

4 President Symbol: The Rising Sun

5 Duties/Responsibilities
Presides over and conducts Chapter meetings Calls special meetings Represents chapter Appoints committees Coordinates chapter function

6 Vice President Symbol: Plow

7 Duties/Responsibilities
Assist the President In charge of committees Presides at meetings in the absence of President Establish and maintain chapter resource file

8 Secretary Symbol: Ear of Corn

9 Duties/Responsibilities
Prepares and read the minutes of meetings Sends out and post notices Keeps permanent records of the chapter Read official correspondence and communications at meetings

10 Treasurer Symbol: Bust of Washington

11 Duties/ Responsibilities
Receives and acts as custodian of chapter funds Collects dues Helps prepare chapter budget

12 Reporter Symbol: American Flag

13 Duties/ Responsibilities
Prepares news items Classifies chapter news Prepares and maintains chapter scrapbook Serves as chapter photographer

14 Sentinel Symbol: Shield of Friendship

15 Duties/ Responsibilities
Sets up meeting room Attends door and welcomes visitors Assists President in maintaining order Assists with special features and refreshments

16 Advisor Symbol: Owl

17 Duties/ Responsibilities
Responsible for supervision of FFA activities and advising student-leaders. Engage all agriculture students in FFA activities

18 The End!

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