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AI Washington halls Artificial intelligence

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Presentation on theme: "AI Washington halls Artificial intelligence"— Presentation transcript:

1 AI Washington halls Artificial intelligence
Rural Development - Artificial Insemination Avian Influenza Exciting new approach and partnership

2 2 A more agile Bank 12 13 3-4 70-30 Laura Tuck’s Legacy
In the last 4 months 12 new projects $13 million average size 2 months preparation 3-4 years implementation 70 animal health 30 human health common objective and common approach Single PAD, client chooses from menu of options Joint preparation teams A more agile Bank

3 Portfolio status $ 4 Billion in commitments 91 Operations
$ 44 Million average size 3.8 years average age 75% in ag. modernization, irrigation, land Most operations of any department in the region Trend decreasing in staff side, Decentralization Strategy - Emphasis on factors of factors of production

4 Changes in the trenches
1 year preparation 4 years implementation Renewed emphasis on monitoring Country systems No more PIUs 2-3 years preparation 6 years implementation Results agreement not part of Legal Agreement No more Ring fencing Emphasis on building capacity within government More development impact – inherent tension

5 The Future Portfolio Help agriculture benefit from EU integration
Water resources management Second generation land reform Strong demand from western part of region – financing the acquis Poland rural pensions Romania rural infrastructure Croatia food safety/IACS Demand in eastern part of regions less traditional irrigation and more watershed management/integrated approach Land Reform – shift in emphasis from property rights to land markets Hernando De Soto - help unleash most valuable asset

6 Donor partnership - Ukraine
EU & Donor TA + WB $$ Joint implementation arrangements 3 components Strengthening national FS system Increasing efficiency of supply chain Establishing a quality culture Develop joint program Build on experience of all donors Match components with donor expertise Food Safety System that will facilitate trade, reduce costs Improve price formation by investing in markets – wholesale F&V, Furtures, wharehouse receipts Teching farmers to produce to a new standard – extension system that emphasizes Good Agriculturral Practices, traceability, A NEW APPROACH – example Western Balkans, EU preaccession, key components– Food Safety, Extension, IPARD agencies. Can we meet this challenge together?

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