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«2nd Regional Workshop on Microdata Access in European Countries»

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1 «2nd Regional Workshop on Microdata Access in European Countries»
Athens, Greece 17 October 2014 Regional Opportunities & Challenges Creating a new CESSDA data archive (APIS/ICS in Portugal) Pedro Moura Ferreira Associate Researcher

2 Definition The Portuguese Social Information Archive (APIS) is a digital archiving system and data dissemination in Social Sciences, based at the Institute of Social Sciences, ICS, in Lisbon.

3 Setting up APIS is based on a consortium that comprises the five most important research centers in social sciences; It has been financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology for the last three years.

4 Mission/Priorities To collect and organise the information/database resulting from the application of surveys or studies of public opinion conducted by the academic community in general; and to make it available, public and of easy access; To persuade researchers of the advantages/benefits that result from preservation and sharing data.

5 Main concerns Data dissemination - The reuse of the data is quite limited. Funding for next years – In the scope of a call for infrastrutures.

6 Why is it limited? The archive is still relatively unknown;
The data is modest in quantity and subject diversity; The quantitative studies represent a small part of the social research Little tradition of secondary analysis

7 Funding for next years In 2013, a roadmap for infrastructure was designed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology in line with the ESFRI orientations; A call for infrastructures was opened, in the scope of the framework program Horizon 2020; APIS submitted a joint application, along with the Portuguese team of ESS (European Social Survey).

8 Production and archive of social science data (PASSDA)
PASSDA aims at the production, analysis and archive of data in the context of national and international projects in the domain of the social sciences; 2 lines of action: data production (ESS) and data archive (APIS).

9 CESSDA Membership In April 2013, APIS became a member of the (old) CESSDA network Cessda provides technical learning on standardization of data, metadata and data sharing. To apply for membership in the middle term

10 APIS and INE There’s no account of a relationship between APIS and INE (National Statistics Institute); APIS is a small and recent archive; The data it collects and works are surveys with relatively small samples and not all have a national dimension.; There is no possible comparison regarding the amount of information that INE produces.

11 Possible cooperation Data dissemination
In the technical field of standardization of data, metadata and data sharing.

12 «2nd Regional Workshop on Microdata Access in European Countries»
Athens, Greece 17 October 2014 Thank you for your attention! Pedro Moura Ferreira

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