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Christopher Columbus 101 Basics about Columbus.

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1 Christopher Columbus 101 Basics about Columbus

2 Early Life He was born in Genoa (Italy!)
Family was wool-weavers and owned a cheese stand Columbus claims the first time he went to sea was at age 10 Began his career sailing and trading

3 Explorer He explored under the Catholic Church in the name of Spain
Thought he could sail west and get to the Indies Join the Spice Trade! In some journals he claims he was there to spread Christianity

4 Columbus’ Plans Thought the Earth was MUCH smaller
Thought Europe was MUCH larger And thought Japan was a huge island that was far off the east coast of China He thought the trip would be 2,400 miles, would actually be 12,200 miles At this time, NO ONE else believed any of this. Scientists, cartographer, astronomers, etc ALL knew he was wrong

5 King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella still believed Columbus
Columbus tried to get Portugal to “back” or fund his idea They said no thanks He tried again, still NO Italy wouldn’t fund him either 1486, Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain said hey, why not? Gave him 3 ships: Nina Pinta Santa Maria Also made him “Admiral of the Sea” Everyone had to give him supplies and lodging

6 Colonization He personally established permanent settlements on Hispaniola Led to Spain colonizing much of the New World Americas!

7 Lasting! Columbus definitely didn’t get to the Americas first
The “Indians” who were there, Leif Erikkson, etc. BUT he start the first lasting European settlement, and that lead to many, many more settlements on the Americas He also NEVER admitted that he had not reached the “Indies”… Until he died he swore he found a shorter route to Asia

8 Hispaniola The indigenous people, the Taino or Arawak were peaceful and friendly. They had gold ear ornaments, so he assumed they were hiding all the gold from him. He took some Arawaks prisoner and insisted they guide him to the gold. And so it began…

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