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COSATU’s Submission on the 2015 Budget

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Presentation on theme: "COSATU’s Submission on the 2015 Budget"— Presentation transcript:

1 COSATU’s Submission on the 2015 Budget

2 Introductory Remarks Key issues: Unemployment; Triple challenges;
Austerity vs. stimulus; Radical economic transformation; Tax reforms; Delivery achievements; and Government plans.

3 Continued Global climate; and Business as usual.

4 General Observations Expenditure ceiling and austerity;
Cuts in real expenditure; EU vs. US and Chinese approach; Public service vacancies; Sale of state assets; Good statements and concrete plans; NHI, Comprehensive Social Security & Treasury;

5 Continued Tax increases upon the poor; and VAT.

6 Strategic Priorities for Growth & Development
Saldanha Bay; Mining sector; and State owned enterprises.

7 Economic Context EU austerity vs. US and Chinese stimulus;
African trade and investment; Government economic sectoral interventions and support; and Industrialisation, manufacturing, agriculture and tourism.

8 Budget Framework & Fiscal Policy
Household financial health; Real cuts in state expenditure; Freezing of public service vacancies; Wasteful expenditure cut backs; Bling expenditure; and Contingency reserves.

9 Medium Term Expenditure & Division of Revenue
Local government interventions & financing: Unicities, rural and district municipalities; and Limpopo and Eastern Cape.

10 Economic Development Oceans economy; Shale gas and hydraulic fracking;
Emerging farmers and land restitution; and Integrated infrastructure development programme.

11 Employment & Enterprise Development
Employment Tax Incentives; Manufacturing support; Expanded Public and Community Works Programmes; and Environmental Affairs jobs programme.

12 Health & Social Protection
HIV/ AIDS; Public health facilities; NHI White Paper; Social Grants achievements and increases; and Retirement reform and Comprehensive Social Security Discussion Paper.

13 Education, Sport & Culture
Crisis; Text books; Safety and security; and Mud schools.

14 Post-School Education & Training
New universities; NSFAS; and Colleges.

15 Transport, Energy & Communications
Rail infrastructure; Water infrastructure and tariffs; Energy interventions; Renewable energy; Electricity tariff increase; and Postal Services;

16 Continued E Tolls and privatisation; Road funding;
Public transport; and Fuel levy increase.

17 Defence, Public Order & Safety
Corruption; Crime; and Judicial system and correctional services.

18 Transport Rail upgrading and procurement; Public transport; and
E Tolls and user pay.

19 Financial Management Text book procurement; Tender reforms; and
30 day payments.

20 Revenue & Tax Measures COSATU tax reform proposals; New taxes:
Income tax; Electricity and fuel; Sin; Property sales; and UIF.

21 Continued VAT; and Tax evasion.

22 State Owned Companies Deputy President’s interventions;
Financial developmental mandates; Sale of state owned assets; and SAA, SAA Express and Mango.

23 Developmental Finance Institutions

24 Financial Sector Reforms
Banking sector interventions; and Retirement reforms.

25 Conclusion & Thank you. 34% unemployment and triple challenges;
Business as usual; Austerity vs. stimulus; Wasteful expenditure; Developmental achievements; and Radical economic transformation.

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