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Matthew Dig Site 19 Red Level Questions.

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1 Matthew Dig Site 19 Red Level Questions

2 Who was forced to carry Jesus’ cross? (27:32)
Judas from Samaria Jesus from Nazareth Simon from Cyrene

3 Who was forced to carry Jesus’ cross? (27:32)
Judas from Samaria Jesus from Nazareth Simon from Cyrene

4 Where did they take Jesus to crucify Him? (27:33)
Galilee Golgotha The Dead Sea

5 Where did they take Jesus to crucify Him? (27:33)
Galilee Golgotha The Dead Sea

6 What did the soldiers offer Jesus to drink once they got to Golgotha
Water Bread and juice Wine mixed with gall

7 What did the soldiers offer Jesus to drink once they got to Golgotha
Water Bread and juice Wine mixed with gall

8 What did the soldiers do with Jesus’ clothing? (27:35)
“They divided up his clothes by casting lots.” “They sold them.” “They gave them to the poor.”

9 What did the soldiers do with Jesus’ clothing? (27:35)
“They divided up his clothes by casting lots.” “They sold them.” “They gave them to the poor.”

10 What did the sign say above Jesus on the Cross? (27:37)
“This is Jesus, the traitor.” “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews” “This is the man they call Jesus.”

11 What did the sign say above Jesus on the Cross? (27:37)
“This is Jesus, the traitor.” “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews” “This is the man they call Jesus.”

12 Who was crucified next to Jesus? (27:38)
Barabbas and Judas Two rebels Peter and John

13 Who was crucified next to Jesus? (27:38)
Barabbas and Judas Two rebels Peter and John

14 Who said “You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself”? (27:39-40) The devil The disciples The crowd

15 Who said “You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself”? (27:39-40) The devil The disciples The crowd

16 What did the two rebels crucified next to Jesus do? (27:44)
They heaped insults on Jesus. They begged Jesus to forgive them. Both answers are correct.

17 What did the two rebels crucified next to Jesus do? (27:44)
They heaped insults on Jesus. They begged Jesus to forgive them. Both answers are correct.

18 What happened about three in the afternoon? (27:46)
Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Jesus was saved from the Cross by angels. Jesus’ disciples ran away.

19 What happened about three in the afternoon? (27:46)
Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Jesus was saved from the Cross by angels. Jesus’ disciples ran away.

20 What did the people try to give Jesus when they thought He was calling to Elijah? (27:47-48)
Water Wine vinegar Both answers are correct.

21 What did the people try to give Jesus when they thought He was calling to Elijah? (27:47-48)
Water Wine vinegar Both answers are correct.

22 What happened just before Jesus gave up His spirit and died? (27:50)
Jesus cried out in a loud voice. Jesus ate bread and drank juice. Jesus prayed the Lord’s Prayer.

23 What happened just before Jesus gave up His spirit and died? (27:50)
Jesus cried out in a loud voice. Jesus ate bread and drank juice. Jesus prayed the Lord’s Prayer.

24 When Jesus died, what happened to the Temple? (27:50-51)
The Temple was destroyed. The temple curtain was torn from top to bottom. The Temple was burned down.

25 When Jesus died, what happened to the Temple? (27:50-51)
The Temple was destroyed. The temple curtain was torn from top to bottom. The Temple was burned down.

26 Which of the following happened when Jesus died? (27:50-52)
“The earth shook, the rocks split.” The tombs broke open and holy people were raised to life. Both answers are correct.

27 Which of the following happened when Jesus died? (27:50-52)
“The earth shook, the rocks split.” The tombs broke open and holy people were raised to life. Both answers are correct.

28 What did the holy people who were raised from the dead do? (27:52-53)
They appeared to many in the holy city. They healed the sick. They preached the gospel.

29 What did the holy people who were raised from the dead do? (27:52-53)
They appeared to many in the holy city. They healed the sick. They preached the gospel.

30 When did the centurion and those guarding Jesus say Jesus was the Son of God? (27:54)
When Jesus rose from the dead When they “saw the earthquake and all that happened” Both answers are correct.

31 When did the centurion and those guarding Jesus say Jesus was the Son of God? (27:54)
When Jesus rose from the dead When they “saw the earthquake and all that happened” Both answers are correct.

32 Why did Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of James and John follow Jesus from Galilee? (27:55-56) “To care for his needs” “To ask Jesus to heal them” Both answers are correct

33 Why did Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of James and John follow Jesus from Galilee? (27:55-56) “To care for his needs” “To ask Jesus to heal them” Both answers are correct

34 Finish this verse: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever…” (John 3:16) “… knows him, knows God.” “… believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” “… shares his love, love will be shown to him.”

35 Finish this verse: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever…” (John 3:16) “… knows him, knows God.” “… believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” “… shares his love, love will be shown to him.”

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