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Professor Malcolm Joyce

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1 Professor Malcolm Joyce (
Advanced Digital Radiometric Instrumentation for Applied Nuclear Activities (ADRIANA) Professor Malcolm Joyce

2 Lancaster capability: High-order neutron multiplicity analysis of actinide materials
32-channel neutron array (Lancaster) High-multiplicity analysis of actinide-containing materials Instantaneous characterisation for safeguards / real-time fuel assay 32-channel, digital PSD processing (left), multiplicity analysis of MOX fuel (below). Multiplicity improvements from 4- to 16-channels (left).

3 Liverpool capability: spectroscopic imaging & location of  contamination
40% p-type coaxial detector: High efficiency. Good timing. Mechanically cooled. Two-element Compton camera: Two 60 mm × 60 mm planar, double-sided strip Ge detectors. Canberra Si(Li) DSSD detector.

4 CCFE capability: Ultra-low background -ray spectroscopy systems
SAGE well detector FWHM keV Peak/Compton: 81.1:1 Relative efficiency: 67.6% Transpec portable HPGe FWHM 2.37 keV Relative efficiency: 55% Large high-efficiency crystal FWHM keV Relative efficiency: 190% Low-background lead shield Compton Suppression Digital acquisition

5 Progress so far & access
Despite installation continuing (Spring 2014): Preliminary studies in neutron radiography (paper in the PSD2014 conference next week). Neutron studies in CCDs (paper in preparation for IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci.) Labs set up at each site. Talk to us! Malcolm Lancaster Paul Liverpool Martin CCFE Systems available their respective laboratories for analysis of portable samples (certification pending). Facilities are transportable, arrangements and costs logistics to be arranged.

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