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A Biography Nonfiction

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Presentation on theme: "A Biography Nonfiction"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Biography Nonfiction
Eleanor Roosevelt A Biography Nonfiction

2 Eleanor Roosevelt Warm-Up: What women who have made significant social change do you know about? Please respond in the space below:

3 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Biography

4 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Biography

5 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Biography
Biographers take information from many sources such as: -_________________________ Purpose of a Biography: To present accurate accounts of their subject’s lives.

6 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Biography
Wife of President __________________________ Lived through a period of dramatic changes. ____________________ of President Theodore Roosevelt’s brother Elliot and his wife, Anna Survived a difficult childhood to become _____________________________throughout the world.

7 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Biography
Married her distant cousin, _________________________, helped him recover from Polio, and supported his political career. When he was elected President, she persuaded him to work for ____________________________ She led relief efforts during the ___________________________________. After FDR died, Eleanor helped to found the _________________________. Until her death she remained a tireless worker for _____________________.

8 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Biography
VOCABULARY TERMS TO KNOW: Brooding Migrant Prominent Combatant Priority

9 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Biography

10 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Biography

11 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Biography

12 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Biography

13 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Biography

14 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Biography

15 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Biography

16 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Biography

17 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Biography

18 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Biography

19 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Biography
Chronological Order: Key words: before, during, next, after, first, while, and later

20 Eleanor Roosevelt: A Biography
Closing When have you been forced to push beyond your own shyness? Please respond in the space below and be prepared to share your response.

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