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The Development of the Bureaucracy

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1 The Development of the Bureaucracy
Lecture 5E Oyez, Oyez, Oyez!

2 Topics What is the federal bureaucracy
How has the bureaucracy changed over time? What laws impact bureaucrats?

3 What is the federal bureaucracy?
Thousands of federal government agencies and institutions that implement and administer federal law and federal programs. (Literally: rule by desk) Large arm of executive branch responsible for translating law into action Hierarchical and specialized

4 What is the federal bureaucracy?
Bureaucrats are the government action figures. Common criticisms: Too large Too powerful Too unaccountable and wasteful

5 What is the federal bureaucracy?
Congress makes the laws, but the bureaucracy enforces and implements them. A rational way for complex societies to organize themselves?

6 What is the federal bureaucracy?
Characteristics: Chain of command, authority at top Division of labor with specialization Clear lines of authority Goal orientation Productivity evaluated by clear rules

7 Early Years of the Bureaucracy
Under the Articles of Confederation, only three departments existed Foreign affairs, war, treasury Under Washington: Head of each department called a secretary Foreign affairs changed to state Congress created Attorney General Importance of a trusted group of advisors was recognized.

8 Early Years of the Bureaucracy
1816 to 1861: Growth of Bureaucracy Under Jackson, the Post Office grew as the US expanded to the west Postmaster General became a cabinet position Post Office is example of Spoils system Executive can fire public office holders of the defeated political party and replace them with party loyalists.

9 Early Years of the Bureaucracy
Civil War and Growth of Government War necessitated expanding bureaucracy Lincoln know troops needed feeding Created Department of Agriculture Cabinet position in 1889 Helped farmers with new science Pension office created for veterans and benefits Department of Justice added in 1870 (only department not headed by secretary)

10 Early Years of the Bureaucracy
Civil War and Growth of Government Rise in number of departments and services created more federal employees. Patronage jobs, grants, or special favors given as rewards to friends and political allies for their support. Some consider it essential in party system because it provides rewards and inducements for party workers.

11 Early Years of the Bureaucracy
Spoils to Merit System Spoils system reached all time high during Lincoln’s Presidency. Many wanted to change it. Pendleton Act (Civil Service Reform Act of 1883) was passed after Garfield’s assassination by a disgruntled postal worker.

12 Early Years of the Bureaucracy
Pendleton Act (Civil Service Reform Act of 1883) Created the Civil Service Commission to administer a partial merit system Appointments based on score on an exam Federal employees could not be required to contribute to a party Civil Service Commission operated until 1978

13 Early Years of the Bureaucracy
Civil Service System The system created by the civil service laws by which appointments to the federal bureaucracy are made based on merit. Merit System Federal civil service jobs are classified into grades or levels, to which appointments are made on the basis of performance on competitive exams.

14 Regulation in the 20th Century
Expanding economy led to expanding bureaucracy Concerns about price fixing in rail road industry led to a shift from service to regulation. Led to the creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) One of the first Independent Regulatory Commissions

15 Regulation in the 20th Century
Independent Regulatory Commission Agency created by Congress that is generally concerned with a specific aspect of the economy. Independent of direct Presidential authority President appoints members, but they have fixed terms, and removal is only if they fail to uphold their oaths

16 Regulation in the 20th Century
Theodore Roosevelt was a progressive Republican Created Department of Commerce and Labor Oversaw employee-employer relationships In 1913, Wilson had to split into two departments: commerce and labor Couldn’t handle all of the interests

17 Regulation in the 20th Century
Independent Regulatory Commission 1914 – Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Protect small businesses from unfair competition 16th Amendment Federal income tax led to greater funding for more agencies, services, and government programs.

18 Regulation in the 20th Century
Great Depression FDR created hundreds of new agencies to regulate business and economy More government involvement, but many now considered this the government’s job

19 Regulation in the 20th Century
WWII Growth in government met the nation’s war needs. Post-war, new money and veteran’s needs led to the GI (Government Issue) Bill College loans and reduced mortgage rates for returning veterans

20 Regulation in the 20th Century
LBJ’s Great Society and the War on Poverty Created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EOCC) Created by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Most major expansions occur because of periods of war, social crisis, or economic emergency

21 Political Involvement
Political Activities Act of 1939 (Hatch Act) Prohibited civil servants from taking activist roles in partisan campaigns: from making contributions, working for a political party, or campaigning for a candidate Jefferson recognized need to separate civil servants and politics, but did this act go too far? A violation of free speech?

22 Political Involvement
Hatch Act was liberalized under Clinton in 1993 Federal Employees Political Activities Act Employees can run for public office in nonpartisan elections Can contribute money to political organizations Campaign for or against candidates

23 Political Involvement
Hatch Act was liberalized under Clinton in 1993 Federal Employees Political Activities Act Still cannot engage in political activities while on duty, plus a few other restrictions DC employees are treated as federal workers

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