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How Realistic are Renewables?

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Presentation on theme: "How Realistic are Renewables?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Realistic are Renewables?



4 What are two main forms of renewable energy?
What does the professor describe as the key to addressing variability of these power sources? In what 3 ways does the professor say that this is achievable?

5 The Various Options Look through the your energy source and highlight:
The positives of this energy source The negatives of this energy source

6 Quiz Review –Wednesday!!!
Population – DTM, density, dependency ratio and declining birth rates Measuring Development and Poverty – HDI and standard of living Tied Aid Climate attitudes and international attempts to resolve 10 Multiple Choice.

7 Carbon Trading Given legitimacy by inclusion in Kyoto
Established EU Emission Trading scheme Countries given ‘cap’ on greenhouse emissions linked to meeting Kyoto Able to trade carbon credits on open market Market decides prices

8 Carbon Offsetting Available at Individual and Business level
Allows people to buy clean carbon credits Offsets their emissions and reduces footprint Controversial because of variable quality of offset Average price is $10 a tonne

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