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Presentation on theme: "TEACHING-LEARNING MEDIA"— Presentation transcript:

Lectured by: Yaredi Waruwu, S.S., M.S.

2 Chapter V: Physical Facilities for Media Use
Learning is an active process and takes place most effectively in a functional environment How various physical aspects of the classroom can contribute to effective use of instructional media and materials

3 Continued...

4 Seating and Study Areas
Considering students who are in the classroom working or studying, or using instructional media and materials in relation to the work/study areas. A variety media may be used by individuals/small groups. For examples: Non projected visuals, audio media, computer based instruction, non-electric games and simulations, books, and duplicated materials.

5 Continued... Students are allowed to make media independently in seminar or small group work. They are as follows. Seating and work surfaces need to be provided. E.g. Seats, desks, tables, folding tables, floor, carpets and cushions. Independent study spaces need to be provided.

6 Continued... E.g. Study carrel (form of booth adn has partitions or walls on the back and two slides to enclose the student to minimize distractions) provides a seat and work surface. It may have one or more shelves on the back, equipped with electrical outlets. It is used for reading, studying, or working with a variety of instructional media.

7 Continued... 3. Seminar and small areas are needed to work on instructional activities and the students meet each different classroom has different Bookscases and cabinets can be used to provide a barrier between the small grouo area and the rest of the Use carpeting and other acoustical treatments to keep the noise.

8 Space Dividers and Display Areas
Area dividers are used to separate and to provide useful display surface and areas for shelving, storage, and projecting visuals. They can enhance the use of instructional media. They are used for certain non-projected such as posters, projected visuals such as filmstrips.

9 Arrangements for Projection
Projected visuals: film, videocassettes, filmstrips, transparencies, slides, microprojections etc should arranged. The arrangements are sized screen, seating for comfortable viewing, ambient light (room is not dark), placement of the projector screen to limit extraneous light on the screen.

10 Scoring and Accessing Materials
Storage space in the classroom might be a problem. Resolve to avoid storing materials unnecessarily (don’ reuse it). Determine what materials should be kept in the classroom for immediate access and which is ready to held everywhere. Decide how to store the materials.

11 Looking Ahead in Media and Resource Use
Trends in Media and Technology Miniaturizing of mediaware formats and equipments affects the use of instructional media. E.g. Film projectors, audiocassette recorders and players, video recorders, videotaped, videodisc, CBI. b. Multiplication of electronic delivery systems. E.g. Radion, television stations, microwave systems, satelite, cable television and telephone.

12 Continued... c. Digitization of print, image, and sound. It is redorded into a code that is converted into print, images, and The development of videodisc: digitized sound, digitized print = compact Digitized such as CD-ROM, CD_WORM, CD-I, DVI, Hypertext.

13 Continued... d. The changes in technology is also the changes of the way that teaching- learning takes Available instructional media make teachers individualize and personalize instruction through computers and related software, etc.

14 The Emerging Technologies
The technological developments: Computer technology – microcomputers – laptop computers – networking. Telecommunications – online data bases – electronic bulletin boards – satelites – cable TV. Video disc technology – laser video discs – CD_ROM – virtual relaity capabilities.

15 Continued... 4. Management technology – electronic card catalog – computerized circulation. 5. Instructional applications – hypermedia – integrated learning systems.

16 Continued... All them can be used to enhance lectures and presentation through sound, graphics, animation, dynamic simulations, and video as interactive multimedia.

17 Continued... Using computer+hypercard+sound digitizer makes teacher can create multimedia presentations.

18 Videodiscs are used for all grade levels.
Continued... Videodiscs are used for all grade levels.

19 Continued... Interactive multimedia+other computer can be used by students in independent assignments, personal exploration, and self-paced instruction.

20 Continued... The emerging technologies so rapidly may create the greatest challenge to teachers and to maximize the use of all media and resources, please follow guidelines ‘planning,selecting, using instructional media.

21 For your attention. Any thing to be discussed?


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