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Grade 9 Course Programming

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1 Grade 9 Course Programming 2017-2018

2 SCHOOL CAREER K 7 8 9 10 11 12 ONLY 4 YEARS TO GO...... And then…?

3 MYP – Year 4 : Grade 9 Language & Literature Individuals & Societies
Sciences Mathematics Physical & Health Ed. or Dance & Health Ed. Language Acquisition French or Squamish 2 Electives (Semestered) Electives outside of timetable

4 How does the MYP affect course programming?
All students must take: A second language (French or Squamish) Three consecutive years Grades 8,9 & 10 * exception made for LC students


6 Grade 9 Electives …all students will take a minimum of 4 half year elective courses: Fine Arts Courses Design Courses Not including: Outside of the timetable electives

7 “Outside” of Timetable
Grade 9 Electives Inside the timetable courses are half a year long. Students take 4 electives. All student may register for outside of the timetable electives as well. Fine Arts Art Design 9 Theatre Arts 9 Concert Band 9 (full year / 2 elect.) Concert Choir 9 (full year / 2 elect.) Guitar (full year / 2 elect.) Design Information Technology 9 Design and Technology 9 Engineering 9 Foods and Nutrition 9 Textile Arts 9 “Outside” of Timetable Vocal Jazz Choir 9 Jazz Band 9 Beginners Band 9 Community Initiatives 9/10 7 7

8 Other Streams… Learning Center 9 for referred students
English as a Second Language 9 courses (ELL) Academies – Peak Performance – External Credits Choices

9 District Enhanced Programs
IB MYP/Diploma Program Carson Graham Art Academy (10-12) Carson Graham VCC Culinary Arts Level 1 (11-12) Carson Graham Advanced Placement (12) Handsworth & Argyle Digital Media Academy (9-12) Argyle Work Experience/Apprenticeship (10-12) All schools Experiential Outdoor Environmental Outdoor School Leadership(10-12)

10 District Enhanced Programs
Dance Academy Windsor Hockey Academy Windsor Soccer Academy Windsor Basketball Academy Seycove & Mountainside Volleyball Academy Sutherland Field Hockey Academy Sutherland Outdoor Ed Academy (new Sept. 2017) Sutherland Peak Performance Program All NV schools Distributed Learning DL Center

11 In Order to Graduate… LOOKING AHEAD Begin earning credits in Grade 10
Students need 80 credits to graduate New Graduation Program begins 2018/2019 So, if a student fails a course, it is important that he or she takes it again during summer school, DL or the next year.

12 Graduation Requirements
Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 English 10 Social Studies 10 Science 10 A Math 10 French 10 or Squamish 10 PE 10 Careers A Elective English/Comm 11 Social Studies 11/12 A Science 11/12 A Math 11/12 Elective English/Comm 12 Careers B Elective Note: 80 total credits required for graduation (52 mandatory; 28 elective)

13 Where can I keep up to date about Graduation requirements?
Check out the Ministry of Education web site for the most recent graduation requirements Google ‘Ministry of Education’ – graduation requirements or

14 While Courses are Important…
There is more to school than just classes. To be an IB student you must also focus on … Community and Service Become reflective on your progress and goals Be inquisitive, open minded and caring Be prepared to become globally minded

15 Get Involved!!!

16 Focus for Grade 9 Take responsibility for your actions.
Keep organized: use agenda! Attend and stay on track. Be committed and set goals. Engage in all your classes. Be an active participant in school life: get involved in extracurricular activities.

17 Questions? Refer to the programming guide
Talk to the teachers Network – ask around See your counsellor - Mrs. Weyell


19 Please note this date: Programming Sheets are due February 17th at the counselling office

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