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Confined Space 56.16002.

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Presentation on theme: "Confined Space 56.16002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Confined Space

2 Confined Space Instructed of hazards involved Necessary precautions
Use of protective & emergency equipment Comply with any regulations applying to work in dangerous areas

3 Typical CS Bins, hoppers, silos, surge piles
Boiler, degreaser, furnace Pipeline, pit, pumping station Process vessel, mills, trenches Septic tank, sewage digester Storage tank, barges, shafts Sewer, utility vault, manholes

4 Identifying CS Limited openings for entry & exit
Not designed for continuous worker occupancy No natural ventilation Engulfment hazard

5 Engulfment Hazards Loose, granular materials stored in bins & hoppers - grain, sand, coal, etc Crusting & bridging Flooding

6 Bridging

7 Crusting


9 Rescue

10 Rescue A person cannot be pulled from without risk of injury to the spinal column if the grain is at waist level or higher Research shows that up to 400 pounds of pull is required to extract a body buried waist-deep

11 Other Hazards Noise Slick/wet surfaces Falling objects
Amplified due to acoustics Damaged hearing Affects communication Slick/wet surfaces Slips & falls Electric shock Falling objects

12 Isolation Lock & tagout electrical sources
Blank & bleed pneumatic & hydraulic lines Disconnect mechanical drives & shafts Secure mechanical parts Blank sewer & water flow Lock & tagout shutoff valves

13 Standby / Rescue Assigned to remain outside & in constant contact inside workers Does not leave post Know rescue procedures 60% of workers who die in CS are would-be rescuers











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