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Developing a Teaching Dossier

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1 Developing a Teaching Dossier
Vi Maeers (Director) (T)

2 What is a Teaching Dossier (Portfolio/Profile)
A personal record Reflection on one's work An approach to teaching enhancement A means of presenting information A bank of ideas for SoTL/capturing the scholarship in teaching The teaching portfolio is both a process and a product. It is at once the receptacle for evidence of achievement in teaching and the means for teachers to discern ways to achieve more. A personal record drawn up and compiled by the teacher, often according to institutional, departmental, or college guidelines. A structured means of reflection on one's work, a process of self-evaluation and goal setting. Here is a supporting statement from Len Gusthart. An approach to teaching enhancement whereby a teacher can gauge successes, opportunities for improvement, and means for their fulfillment. A means of presenting information for job search or career enhancement, such as promotion, tenure, job application. Here is a supporting statement from Trever Crowe. In short, creating a portfolio involves reflection, collection, selection, and connection. A teaching dossier is a great way to record and keep track of ‘problems’ or incidents in your teaching--to think of teaching as scholarship

3 How to Compile a Teaching Dossier
Inventory your teaching--see worksheet. Think about how you teach and why you teach that way. Consider the purpose of the dossier--organize accordingly. Write the statement of philosophy. Include your best evidence. Show your draft to a colleague Continue this process throughout your career Clarify your teaching responsibilities. Reflect on your teaching goals, philosophy and style. Consider using the Teaching Perspectives Inventory Organize the material to support your purpose and the evaluators' guidelines or needs. Write the statement of philosophy Select and append your best evidence, connecting it to your statement of philosophy. You want to provide enough evidence to convict you of the charge of excellent teaching. Show your draft to a colleague or instructional developer--get feedback/new ideas

4 Teaching Responsibilities Worksheet
For each course complete the following: Course#, name of course taught, dates of course, credit hours: Short description of course: Numbers of students: Methods of delivery--particular strategies used in course: Type(s) of course evaluation (e.g., formative, summative, type of form used; peer; other) Summary of course evaluation Reflection on course Other

5 Contents of your Teaching Dossier
Your teaching responsibilities Statement of teaching philosophy Sample statements - sample Evidence of your accomplishments Don’t forget your CV Your teaching responsibilities Write a paragraph or two describing your general teaching appointment, types of courses you teach, how many a year, if they have labs, average # of students, classroom layout (e.g., lecture theatre, rows, tables, computers in room etc). Also, using the data provided by the worksheet, compile a narrative for each type of class you teach (e.g., I teach EMTH 215, EMTH 325, ECMP 355). Some classes you may only teach once, once every 3 years, every semester. In the classes that you have taught more than once you can write about the evolution of that class over time, different strategies you’ve tried, etc Statement of teaching philosophy The "Reflective Statement of Teaching Philosophy" is an important element of the portfolio. Many teachers, however, find it difficult to write that statement. It is not easy for them to reflect on and articulate what they do in the classroom and why they do it. Don't let the term "philosophy" mislead you. This very concrete section provides the foundation for your approach to teaching and the opportunity for you to introduce the evidence you have compiled. Be clear, concise and convincing. Structure your statement to demonstrate that you reflect on what you do and learn from it. Consider using headings as visible signs of organization. As you prepare your statement of teaching philosophy, remember that this section is the very heart of your portfolio. Everything in your dossier must connect to your TPS. You could begin by Composing Your Teaching Philosophy and Ranking Your Teaching Goals [PDF file] Critical Incidents in the Formation of a Philosophy of Teaching Think back to a learning experience you've had, in either formal or informal education. Choose either: o A positive experience when everything fit into place and you felt a sense of achievement or affirmation OR o An unsatisfactory experience when you felt afloat, disconnected, or frustrated. 1. Briefly note down what made the experience positive or negative for you. 2. How has this learning experience affected how you teach or learn? 3. Can you derive a principle from your experience? i. For example: Active learning is more effective than passive learning. ii. Or: High expectations encourage achievement. 4. Do the same with a teaching experience Evidence of your accomplishments Select exemplary samples of work as proof of your teaching (e.g., course outline, class schedule, a detailed outline of one day in your class, copies of submitted assignments; unsolicited letters of praise/support for your teaching)

6 Completing your Dossier
Give your dossier a title Create a contents page Organize your material in sections (e.g., TPS, courses taught, evidence, letters of support, etc) Each dossier will be unique A dossier is always a work in progress Samples--see

7 Frequently Asked Questions about Teaching Portfolios
Can teaching portfolios improve teaching? How are portfolios used in promotion and tenure decisions? Why does documenting their teaching make some teachers feel uneasy? What are the benefits of a teaching portfolio? What criteria are used to evaluate teaching portfolios?

8 Teaching Dossier Resources
Teaching Dossier Kit at UVIC U of R teaching award requirements 3M award requirements CAUT dossier preparation

9 More Teaching Dossier Resources
See the teaching dossier section of the teaching resources wiki at for the most current information and links to resources related to teaching dossiers and the electronic portfolios link at

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