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The Roman Empire The Ashes of the Roman Republic

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1 The Roman Empire The Ashes of the Roman Republic

2 Hopeful Beginnings Rome enters a period called the Pax Romana: 200 year period of peace in the Roman Empire. 27 B.C.E. – 180 A.D. Augustus is named imperator and the first citizen of the Roman empire. As imperator, Augustus kept the senate alive had all power in his own hands including economy and military. Introduced a new system of government, governors appointed to the territories of Rome by senate or emperor. Emperor ruled the governors who ruled the land. Augustus created a standing army of 28 legions, roughly 150,000 soldiers. A praetorian guard of 9000 men, and roughly 130,000 subjects of Rome. Augustus sends 3 legions into Germania but all 3 were defeated by Germanic tribes Showed that Rome was not invincible and could be beaten. The Danube River will be the dividing line between Rome and Germanic tribes Roman Peace *Only a Roman citizen could serve in a legion, a legion was 5000 troops and the Praetorian guard was the personal guard of the emperor

3 Emperor Caligula is 4th emperor and is killed by Senators and Paetorians. Senate attempts to resurrect the republic but the Praetorians crown Claudius. He expands Rome into Southern Britain. Reminder that military might has the final say in Rome. Nero succeeds Claudius. Known for being vicious, slaughtering of christians even having his mother assassinated and burning half of Rome. Removed by a military revolt. Neros death results in Civil War. Vespasian is victorious and begins the construction of the Plebian Amphitheater = the Colosseum. The constant conflict following an emperors death shows that the Roman system of succession is based on military might, and therefor chance. Good Emperors Beginning of 2nd century Rome gets 5 “good emperors”. Trejan – extended Rome to its largest point. Hadrian – Built Hadrians Wall to stop attacks from Picts in modern day Scotland. Limited the growth of Rome. Marcus Aurelius – Known as the philosopher emperor. Last of the god emperors.

4 End of Prosperity With the government in constant confusion, Rome becomes more and more vulnerable. Increases on the frontier increased, mostly from Germania Epidemics and food shortages led to decrease in number of workers. Economy and military weakening Roman borders begin to falter. Fortresses move from one border to another, mostly protect the border that goes along modern day France and German. Rome was too large to govern. Emperor Diocletian split Rome in half into Western and Eastern empires. The West was governed from Rome and the East was governed from Byzantium. Both empires were considered Rome but were different West spoke Latin, East spoke Greek. Western cities became fortresses and nobility gained more autonomy from weakening government. The west became rural and the western empire would eventually end under threat from Barbarians Huns, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Picts, Burgundians and more



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