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Presented by Marc Pelteret at FTI on 16 April 2012

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1 Presented by Marc Pelteret at FTI on 16 April 2012
Hockey Club Website and Management Application Development Business Case Presented by Marc Pelteret at FTI on 16 April 2012

2 Agenda Problems Project objectives Solution Benefits Costs Feasibility
Conclusion 16 April 2012 Hockey Club Website and Management Application Development – Business Case

3 Problems Cumbersome paper-based registration process
For members For the committee No central repository of up-to-date member information Current website Costly to maintain, often out of date Visually unappealing Committee s – use of private addresses 16 April 2012 Hockey Club Website and Management Application Development – Business Case

4 Project objectives Create improved registration process
Members: easy-to-use form Committee: easier to capture information Facility to centrally maintain/access member information Reduce time/cost of updating Website content Improve look of Website Provide committee with club-specific addresses Increase membership by 4 members per year for 5 years 16 April 2012 Hockey Club Website and Management Application Development – Business Case

5 Solution Solution 16 April 2012 Hockey Club Website and Management Application Development – Business Case

6 $ Benefits +  Cost savings Additional revenue Form paper and capture
Current Website maintenance Additional revenue Improved communication  better event attendance  more bar revenue Improved image  more members Advertising on Website + $ 16 April 2012 Hockey Club Website and Management Application Development – Business Case

7 Benefits Raising club’s image Online form saves member/committee time
New look of Website Regularly updated Website content Registration form is innovative, improves member experience Branded portfolio addresses – professionalism Online form saves member/committee time Central database aids committee 16 April 2012 Hockey Club Website and Management Application Development – Business Case

8 Costs Project cost Operating costs
Project management, analysis and development 121 hours, R36 300 Higher than budgeted R (by 45%) Operating costs Web hosting , domain registration, developer support R135 per month Lower than budgeted R250 $ 16 April 2012 Hockey Club Website and Management Application Development – Business Case

9 $ Feasibility Financial Business Payback period: 3 years
Net present value (NPV): R35 854 Return on investment: 77.3% Business Aligned with club’s goals and drivers Will enhance the club’s image 1 2 3 4 5 Cumulative net benefits 3 050 19 096 35 854 16 April 2012 Hockey Club Website and Management Application Development – Business Case

10 Feasibility Technical Operational
Not locked into vendors – source code is a deliverable, Web host migration straight-forward Operational Training on managing system for the committee Solution will cut down committee’s workload Operating cost lower than specified budget 16 April 2012 Hockey Club Website and Management Application Development – Business Case

11 Feasibility Time Initial investigation: 2 April
Establish project: 19 April Detailed analysis: 25 April Solution design: 14 May Solution construction: 16 May Implementation: 30 May Post-implementation review: 8 June Set deadline: 30 September 16 April 2012 Hockey Club Website and Management Application Development – Business Case

12 Questions?

13 Conclusion Project is of benefit to the club, financially and otherwise However, exceeds budget But will pay for itself in approximately 3 years Will be completed before deadline Time to spare in case of issues Recommendation: proceed if additional finance can be found for budget 16 April 2012 Hockey Club Website and Management Application Development – Business Case

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