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A Workflow Approach towards GLIF Execution

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1 A Workflow Approach towards GLIF Execution
Martin Sedlmayr Thomas Rose Rainer Röhrig Markus Meister

2 About OLGA Project: Online Guideline Assist – OLGA
3 year research project sponsored by the German Research Council DFG Goal: Measure the effects of automated, integrated guideline support in an ICU Operational guideline support within the PDMS Build upon existing technologies Use an „agile approach“ Measure effect of automated guidelines Criteria for automating guidelines

3 ICU at University Hospital Giessen

4 Approach Focus on operational system Approach
No preference towards GL methodology No preference towards workflow technology No preference towards technical systems Approach Look into computerized clinical guideline standards Look into workflow systems Look into existing (paper-based) SOPs Select promising candidates and just start Guideline Interchange Format GLIF jBPM Workflow Framework (jBOSS) Example guidelines Improve and extend over time

5 Formal Representation
Lifecycle Reach Consensus Formal Representation Execution Support Automation Formalization Evaluation

6 Guideline Editor- GLIF

7 Workflow Patterns – JPDL/jBPM

8 Mapping of GLIF to JPDL GLIF jPDL node action fork branch decision
patient state state join synchronization

9 Mapping of GLIF to JPDL GLIF jPDL node action fork branch task
decision decision patient state state join synchronization

10 AgilShell by Holger Knublauch
Olga Shell Process Viewer Convert guidelines in GLIF Execute simulations Run workflows Edit workflow Edit guideline Build HL7 connector AgilShell by Holger Knublauch

11 System Architecture GLIF Editor GL Editor GL EHR Olga-Shell
Olga-Engine PDMS DB Cache HL7

12 Summary Work in progress Agile, iterative approach
Focus: operational guideline execution within PDMS Utilization of existing technologies Workbench: Olga Shell Formalizing process knowledge Convert existing guidelines Simulation and execution Evaluation of effects of automated guideline support Starting end of year with tests 1 year daily life evaluation in ICU

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