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Use Your Time & Energy Wisely…

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Presentation on theme: "Use Your Time & Energy Wisely…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Use Your Time & Energy Wisely…
Study Smart Use Your Time & Energy Wisely… AND Get Better Grades! By Annie Jones, TRiO

2 Finding a place to study
It should -- be well lit, comfy, tidy & have a solid writing surface Make sure you have the right tools -- paper, pencil/pen, computer, calculator Keep distractions to a minimum Stay off of your bed!

3 Getting started… If overwhelmed, start with baby steps
Mull over the ideas/info with a friend Map it out -- Jot down notes, outlines, charts Don’t make excuses or wait too long

4 What’s your learning style?
Learning Styles on YouTube Visual - flash cards, pictures, charts Auditory - lectures, discussions, reading out loud Kinesthetic - hands-on, labs, role play Technological - computer, internet

5 Organizing study time Plan and prioritize
Break it down into small parts Break it up - alternate assignments Memorize first, then review at the end Do harder assignments first Study when you’re most alert & productive Take breaks! (20 minute session, then break) Look for wasted chunks of time that could be put to better use

6 Know how to: Study for tests Memorize & recall information
Use technology Give a presentation or speech Write a paper Tests go over class notes Essays -- make sure you have the “big picture”; multiple choice/fill in -- know the details Pay attention in the class just before a test -- teacher may highlight or review most important info to know USE your review sheet / study guide -- know it inside and out -- figure out what you think will be on the test Keep up with all required reading, so you can skim while reviewing Know all bold faced/italicized words in text book; look over end of chapter questions and summaries Put it into words -- review out loud to yourself or with others - teaching others is THE most effective way to synthesize & retain material Keep and go over all old quizzes and tests Make flash cards with any dates, names, formulas or other detailed information Memorize and recall info; Use flash cards Right it down, stare at it, say it and picture it in your mind Use as many senses as possible -- see it, say it, hear it, touch it, etc. Group/categorize info -- use lists, charts, diagrams Go over it right before you go to sleep -- your brain will do the work while you’re catching ZZZs Use acronyms (I.e. ROY G BIV for the rainbow) or mnemonic devices (like Every Good Boy Does Fine -- EGBDF names of notes on the lines in treble clef) Look for connections (like FACE in the Space for music) or silly images like Minnesota is the Gopher State… let’s “Go for a mini soda” Make sure you understand what you’re trying to memorize -- if you don’t get it, you can’t remember it Review OFTEN -- moves it from short term to long term memory Use Technology Use a computer -- if you don’t have your own, use computer lab, ie the TRiO lab is for you! Make sure you know how to use it … it will always be useful! Tricks for presentations and speeches Use props and visual aids (Power Point is great for this) Make sure you use an full, energetic voice -- enthusiasm -- like when telling a friend something really exciting Make eye contact with the audience -- look just over the heads or at foreheads if this is difficult Writing a paper Give yourself enough time to plan, write..let it sit, then re-read/revise -- have someone else read it, too The Writing Process: Choose a topic Find supporting evidence - consider the purpose of your paper Develop a thesis statement -- what’s your paper about? What’s the purpose? Make an outline of supporting ideas Write a rough draft Rewrite paper -- make sure you read it out loud Make sure you follow the assignment. 2. Use strong opening paragraphs, statements, quotes -- always cite sources if you use quotes -- NEVER plagiarize 3. Be clear and to the point 4. Use strong closing paragraphs -- restate the thesis 5. Correct all spelling/grammatical errors -- don’t just rely on spell-check because it doesn’t catch everything! 6. Make sure your final draft looks professional 7. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS turn your paper in on time -- if you get it done early you may be able to have your instructor look over your paper before the due date

7 Some questions to ask yourself…
What are your successful study habits? What are some habits that could use an overhaul? Do you often feel anxious or intimidated by the idea of studying? What is your learning style?

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