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Analysing an Advertisement - India

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Presentation on theme: "Analysing an Advertisement - India"— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysing an Advertisement - India
CONTENTS Advertising India Slide 2 Advertisement for India Slide 3 Analysing the Image Slides 4-5 Analysing the Headline / Picture Text Slides 6-7 Analysing the Body of the Text Slides 8-9 The Message Slides 10-11 Target Audience Slides 12-13

2 Analysing an Advertisement - India
Advertising India Now we are going to look at a travel advertisement promoting India as a place to go on holiday. Before you look at the advertisement, discuss what you might expect to find in it. Use the questions below to guide you. What images of India could be used? What words do you expect to find in the advertisement? What aspects of India might the advertiser emphasise? What does India mean as a holiday destination to you? How do your expectations of an advertisement for India differ from the one on Cyprus? Questions

3 India Surprise Yourself Advertisement for India
Analysing an Advertisement - India Advertisement for India India India. Where East meets West and Old meets New. India. Where sacred cows share the road with brand new cars. India. Where you can trek through the mountains and send s at an internet cafe. India. Make up your own mind. Surprise Yourself

4 Analysing an Advertisement - India
Analysing the Image Look at the images below, taken from the advertisement for India. Why do you think these particular images were chosen? What do they emphasise about India as a holiday destination?

5 Analysing an Advertisement - India
Analysing the Image ‘Sacred cow’, as mentioned in the text of the advertisement - a symbol of India’s ancient culture and Hindu religion Modern building to show the fact that India is a modern country too The two images show the old and new aspects of India.

6 India Surprise Yourself Analysing the Headline Text
Analysing an Advertisement - India Analysing the Headline Text Now look at the headline text below. What do you notice about the text, both in terms of its appearance and its content? What about the colours that are used? India Surprise Yourself

7 India Surprise Yourself Analysing the Headline Text
Analysing an Advertisement - India Analysing the Headline Text The font is modern, to tie in with the idea in the text of the modern side of India. India Surprise Yourself The text challenges the consumer to ‘surprise’ themselves, suggesting that their preconceptions about a holiday in India might be wrong. The pale pink background is gentle on the eye and makes the words in black stand out clearly.

8 Analysing the Body of the Text
Analysing an Advertisement - India Analysing the Body of the Text Finally, look at the body of the text. How do the advertisers use language to persuade you to come to India? Do they use any linguistic techniques in the text? India. Where East meets West and Old meets New. India. Where sacred cows share the road with brand new cars. India. Where you can trek through the mountains and send s at an internet cafe. India. Make up your own mind.

9 Analysing the Body of the Text
Analysing an Advertisement - India Analysing the Body of the Text The word ‘India’ is repeated to emphasise the location The ancient and modern sides of India are described India. Where East meets West and Old meets New. India. Where sacred cows share the road with brand new cars. India. Where you can trek through the mountains and send s at an internet cafe. India. Make up your own mind. The advertisers use the technique of ‘listing in threes’ Again, the reader is challenged to make up his / her own mind, rather than trusting their preconceptions or believing stereotypes

10 Analysing an Advertisement - India
The Message What sort of messages about India are the advertisers trying to send to people reading their advertisement? Write your ideas on the brainstorm below. India is ...

11 Analysing an Advertisement - India
The Message A place where old and new mix easily and freely, and the tourist can have all the comforts of home A place where two cultures meet India is ... A place where you can get away from it all in the mountains, but still keep in touch with home using the internet Very different to the stereotyped place that we might believe it to be

12 Analysing an Advertisement - India
Target Audience What sort of target audience do you think the advertisement for India is aimed at? Choose some possible answers from the ideas given below. Open-minded people with a sense of adventure. People who enjoy sports and active holidays. Couples with a young family. People interested in finding out about different cultures. People who like to lie on a beach and sunbathe. Young people who like long walks.

13 Analysing an Advertisement - India
Target Audience Here are the target audiences that the advertisers are most likely to be targeting and the reasons why. Open-minded people with a sense of adventure. Because the advertisement asks you to ‘make up your own mind’. People interested in finding out about different cultures. Because the advertisement talks about ‘East meeting West’. Young people who like long walks. Because they can trek in the mountains but stay in touch with the internet.

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