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Learner Outcomes TSWBAT identify differences of governments around the world (F/P) TSWBAT analyze propaganda and interpret its different viewpoints (T/R)

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Presentation on theme: "Learner Outcomes TSWBAT identify differences of governments around the world (F/P) TSWBAT analyze propaganda and interpret its different viewpoints (T/R)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learner Outcomes TSWBAT identify differences of governments around the world (F/P) TSWBAT analyze propaganda and interpret its different viewpoints (T/R) TSWBAT value different aspects of these governments using ethical reasoning. (CU)

2 Why do you think some countries don’t have a democratic government?
Starting Assignment September 12, 2017 Why do you think some countries don’t have a democratic government?

3 Today’s Agenda Starting Assignment Power Point: Types of Government
Propaganda & Ethics Worksheet Video: Killing Bin Laden Cooperative: Political Cartoons Outcome Sheets

4 Nations of the World

5 What do you Know? Considering these terms, complete the KWL Democracy
Monarchy Dictatorship Communism

6 Democracy A type of government where votes are cast by citizens to make political decisions 2 types of Democratic governments 1. Direct Democracy Citizens create and vote on laws 2. Representative Democracy Citizen elect representatives to make decisions for them

7 Turn and Talk Which type of Democracy do you prefer?
Representative or direct, why?

8 Monarchy Government ruled by a King or Queen. (Family)
Power is separated if they have a parliamentary body. Parliament is elected by citizens and can vote on laws


10 Dictatorship Complete political power is given to a single individual.
Power usually obtained by military force.

11 Communism More economic ideology than a government.
Production and distribution of goods are held by the government Goods and wealth created by the nation is spread evenly throughout its citizens.

12 Show Types of Government Video

13 Memes: Quick, funny, and contradictory
Propaganda Biased information used to sway a viewers opinion by either attacking or promoting an idea. Memes: Quick, funny, and contradictory

14 U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001

15 Propaganda Response #1

16 Propaganda Response #2

17 Ethics and Civic Duty

18 Ethics- Moral principles that govern behavior Civic Duty- A member’s responsibilities to their respective society

19 What is the main goal of school? Why are you required to go to school?

20 You are in a public school
Public schools are funded through the states and parishes as well as federal grants It is the government’s goal that matters most in school since they pay the salaries and cost of the buildings You are a part of their society, their goal is to educate you well enough to make informed decisions to fulfill your civic duty

21 Finish KWL

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