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Plate Tectonics Notes.

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1 Plate Tectonics Notes

2 Alfred Wegener – developed the Theory of Continental Drift
Noticed the continents fit together like a puzzle Found fossils of identical species on different continents Found identical geologic structures on different continents Pangaea – name of the giant supercontinent Theory of Plate Tectonics – states that the lithosphere is divided into plates that are slowly moving on the asthenosphere

3 Continental crust – crust that is beneath the continents
Thicker Denser Older crust Oceanic crust – crust that is beneath the oceans Thinner Less dense Newer crust

4 Types of Boundaries Convergent boundary – boundary that occurs where two plates are moving toward each other Divergent boundary – boundary that occurs where two plates are moving away from each other Transform boundary – boundary that occurs where two boundaries are sliding past each other

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