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History of Peru They were once apart of the Incan empire.

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1 History of Peru They were once apart of the Incan empire.
They were run by a dictatorship for over 20 years. They got concord by the Spanish. Then they defeated them in 1824. Francisco Pizarrom over ruled the Peruvian people from 1531–1533. Than were run by a dictatorship. Garret Bryan

2 Government They have a president and a Prime minister.
Peru is a Constitutional republic. Is when the head of state is elected and they are in charge of the laws and rules of the country.

3 Were Peru is Located Peru is located in South America and is west of Brazil. The capital of Peru is Lima. Peru is on the west side of South America and is below the equator. 10° S.L. and 76° W.L

4 Culture and Population
Peru people speak Spanish Peru's population and 2007 was 28,674,757. . Peru's main religion is Roman Catholic which is 81%

5 Landscape Peru is 494,208 sq mi. Peru's biome is mountainous
They have a desert that goes form the pacific ocean to the Andes Mountain Range.

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