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Wednesday Sept 6, 2017 QR code Info session Syllabus

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday Sept 6, 2017 QR code Info session Syllabus"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday Sept 6, 2017 QR code Info session Syllabus
Project Selection Process Next Steps Resume Project Statement


3 A World Leader in the Design, Manufacture,
and Service of Aircraft Engines Wednesday, September 20, 2017 6:00 – 9:00 PM Next Generation Hall University of Connecticut Represented Groups: Hot Section, Materials & Processes Engineering, Mechanical Systems, Externals, Fan, and Compression Systems, Controls Diagnostic Systems, Quality and Process Engineering Please join us for pizza and learn about exciting jobs and internship opportunities at Pratt & Whitney! This page contains no technical data subject to the EAR or the ITAR

4 Syllabus Rev A Week Date Deliverable Assigned Deliverable Due Topic 1
M 8/28 W 8/30 F 9/1 MBTI Resume Projects Overview / Introductions/Projects/Social Exercise Projects, Resume and Letter, Gilles Eggenspieler-Ansys Worksheet - due UTEB Rm 388 NOON + Google Poll 2 M 9/4 W 9/6 Proj St’ment Labor Day – no class Project Teams; Project Statement 3 M 9/11 W 9/13 Prj Schedule Project Management –Mr. Dan Matyas, Project Management –Mr. Dan Matyas 4 M9/18 W 9/20 Resumes, Communication and Listening (BW) Oral Presentations, Design Reviews (BW/VM) 5 M 9/25 W 9/27 Moonshine Reading People, Personality Types, Jackie Gallo No class meeting, Whitcraft Moonshine event prework

5 Project and Process Summary

6 Projects 66 Total Projects
18 -2 person teams (mostly joint with another department) 37 – 3 person teams 1 – 4 person team 10 Accelerated Masters

7 Project Voting Drives team Selections
All Projects Need to be Staffed

8 Top 10 Vote Getters

9 Surprises Total votes ME03 ASML Clamp 1 3 ME30 Kaman Leak test ME41
1 3 ME30 Kaman Leak test ME41 Stanadyne 2 ME44 Superior ME45 Triumph Fuel ME56 Zachry ME14 CE Gas Leak ME37 PW5 CMAS ME12 Cadenza Rack ME21 Gerber ME43 Quantum

10 Our Assumptions You read and considered all of the project write ups
Areas of interest: Reflect your interests You want to work on a project that includes your area of interest Not much preference between #1 and #5

11 Observations Most consider themselves “Hands on”
Written selections didn’t match google poll Used the written form Project selections didn’t always reflect your interest areas e.g. Fluids/thermo - picked mechanical design “Hands on” – picked analytical projects

12 Meeting deadlines T – think or talk to one another
A – anticipate issues or commitments P – plan, use a calendar to keep track E – execute, meet the deliverable A partial deliverable is always better I will get you the info… It will be completed by… Never be “sorry”

13 Team Selection Process
Started with lowest vote getters Put best team together Project scope Interest experience Personality type Most got #1 to #5 selections Some assigned to a team

14 Team Selections >90% 5 4 3 2 1

15 Teams xls Teams

16 Next Steps Faculty Advisors assigned this week
Set meeting times Discuss project Set Format for meetings Contact ECE/CSE/MSE/MEM/Cheng Teams Names available this week

17 Next Steps Contact Sponsor by Friday 9/8 Co-ordinate with joint Teams
Schedule a Kick off meeting/initial phone call Co ordinate with other teams Let Prof Weber and I know Co-ordinate with joint Teams One meeting preferred Re-read the project write-up Write down questions

18 Kick Off Meeting Ask Faculty Advisor to attend (or by phone)
Face to face on site is preferred Meet with Technical focal point and other people Ask Questions!!! Expectations/schedule Deliverables Get required info/data Ask about NDA, IP,etc.. TAKE NOTES! Get a tour – see the project!

19 About Me Name: Ryan Gaffney Grad Date: May 2016 Past Experience:
Manufacturing Engineering and Management: Supply Chain Intern at PepsiCo Hobbies: Basketball, Golf, Skiing, Fishing Interesting Fact: I’ve played baseball with Mets Pitcher Matt Harvey

20 Syllabus Rev A Week Date Deliverable Assigned Deliverable Due Topic 1
M 8/28 W 8/30 F 9/1 MBTI Resume Projects Overview / Introductions/Projects/Social Exercise Projects, Resume and Letter, Gilles Eggenspieler-Ansys Worksheet - due UTEB Rm 388 NOON + Google Poll 2 M 9/4 W 9/6 Proj St’ment Labor Day – no class Project Teams; Project Statement 3 M 9/11 W 9/13 Prj Schedule Project Management –Mr. Dan Matyas, Project Management –Mr. Dan Matyas 4 M9/18 W 9/20 Resumes, Communication and Listening (BW) Oral Presentations, Design Reviews (BW/VM) 5 M 9/25 W 9/27 Moonshine Reading People, Personality Types, Jackie Gallo No class meeting, Whitcraft Moonshine event prework

21 Starting Now…. Start Problem Statement
Establish Roles and responsibilities Define your approach Build a schedule Training required (codes…) Start your research Design reviews – template coming

22 MBTI attributes Extrovert Introvert How do you make decisions
S- need specifics N – go with hunches What data influences decision T - logical F –personal values How do you take actions J -organized P - spontaneous

23 2015 2016 Class data 15 ENFJ 5 INFJ ENFP 2 INFP 35 ENTJ 16 INTJ 10

ESTJ Outgoing, energetic and dependable. Efficient, organized, and decisive. Likes administrating ESFJ Enthusiastic, sociable, and engaging. Likes to be needed and appreciated. Personable, ISTJ Reserved, persevering, loyal and careful. Systematic, organized, and focused on the facts. Hardworking, thorough and good at ISFJ Conscientious, trustworthy, and cooperative. Loyal, dependable, and self disciplined. Strong work ethic, completes tasks on time.

ESTP Likes risk, challenge and adventure. Energetic and constantly on the go. Lives live to the ESFP Caring, generous, cooperative and enjoys helping others. Friendly, gregarious, ener- ISTP Prefers, action to conversation. Likes adventure and challenge. Does well on crisis. ISFP Gentle, loyal and compassionate. Appears reserved and unassuming. Quietly does things

ENTJ Confident leader who likes to be in charge. Decisive and ambitious. Likes intellectual exchange. Ingenious and resourceful in solving complex problems. Innovative, ENTP Outspoken and thrives on challenge and debate. Enthusiastic, charming, gregarious INTJ. Independent and individualistic. Has great insight and vision. Skilled in creating theories INTP Analytical and brilliant. Conceptual problem -solver and original thinker. Idiosyncratic and nonconforming. Values precision in thought

ENFJ Friendly, charming, enthusiastic and socially active. Persuasive speaker and inspiring, ENFP Warm-spirited, helpful, accepting and compassionate. Full of enthusiasm and new ideas. Values freedom and autonomy. Good INFJ Sensitive, deep and sometimes mystical. Single minded regarding personal values and convictions. Has a rich inner life and values INFP Devoted, compassionate, open-minded and gentle. Dislikes rules, orders, schedules ad deadlines. Likes learning and being absorbed

28 Meet Your Teammates Introduce
Contact Info Set time to review project ME14 ME18 ME31, ME36 ME 57 – 66 up front

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