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Section 2.2: Pyramids on the Nile
Mr. Schabo Crestwood High School World History A =__9-srk3pXGecXpRe0yISsWgWqGRQ=&h=1200&w=1600&sz=521&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=6kd8ZmhWbFSTIM:&tbnh=158&tbnw=206&prev=/ images%3Fq%3Dpyramids%2Bof%2Bgiza%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1T4GGLL_enUS375US376%26biw%3D1899%26bih%3D841%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=767&vpy=123&dur=112&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=153&ty=78&ei=WB6FTJGrOo2hnQeYg6S1Dg&oei=WB6FTJGrOo2hnQeYg6S1Dg&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=32&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0
Sec. 2.2 Objectives Summarize the effect of geography on the development of Egyptian culture. Explain how Egypt united into a kingdom. Describe ancient Egyptian religion, social structure, and technology. Explain the decline of the Old Kingdom.
Geography of Egypt The Nile River
Over 4100 miles long - the longest river in the world! 90% of Egyptians live within 10 miles of the Nile! Yearly flooding brings silt from mountains of Africa; settles on Nile River’s banks; becomes fertile land. Egyptians worshipped the Nile River as a god.
Geography of Egypt (Continued)
The floods of the Nile floods predictably; the amount of floodwater is what varies… If floodwater was just a few feet low, silt and water from crops was reduced. People starved (BOOOOOO!!!) If floodwater was higher than normal, towns were flooded, destroying buildings, food storage areas, and seeds farmers needed for planting (BOOOOOO!!!) Desert lands on both sides of Nile forced Egyptians on small portion of land. Interaction with other societies was reduced (BOOOOOO!!!!) However, deserts kept out invaders and Egypt did not suffer the constant warfare that plagued the Fertile Crescent (YAAAAAY!!!)
Upper & Lower Egypt Societies existed along the Nile from the Mediterranean Sea well into Africa’s interior. Travel only possible along Nile to a set of rapids, called the First Cataract. From Mediterranean Sea to the First Cataract, 2 regions develop: Upper and Lower Egypt. Upper Egypt: High elevation; from first cataract to Nile Delta. Lower Egypt: Nile Delta – a delta is a section of river that has branched many times or “fanned out” into a rough triangle shape. A triangle was the Greek letter “delta”, so that’s where the term comes from. The Nile was used for transport. The Nile’s current flows from south to north. Northbound boats just drift with the current. Going south? Use a sail.
Egypt Unites Into a Kingdom
5000 B.C. – Fishing villages along the Nile. Each had its own gods, ruler, etc. 3200 B.C. – Developed into Upper & Lower Egypt. Each had its own King. 3000 B.C. – Upper & Lower Egypt are united. Narmer is credited with uniting Egypt. He established his capital city, Memphis, where Upper and Lower Egypt met, creating the first Egyptian dynasty (there would be 31 dynasties over 2600 years!).
Pharaohs Rule as Gods Pharaoh: Ruler in Egyptian society.
Where other societies saw their kings as appointed by the gods, having the gods’ favor, or representing the gods, Egyptians believed that the pharaohs were gods! They believed that the Pharaoh caused the rising and setting of the sun, flooding of the Nile, flourishing of crops, etc. It was the Pharaoh’s duty to promote truth, justice, and protect the empire. This type of government, based on religious authority, is called a theocracy.
The Pyramids Egyptians believed that the Pharaohs had a ka (eternal life force) which allowed pharaohs to rule after their death. Ka was like a living king in needs, wants, desires. What did Pharaohs want in life? Tombs (resting place) had to be more glorified and elaborate than their palaces. Pharaohs laid to rest in a massive structure called a pyramid. Pyramids not only reflected the importance of a Pharaoh, but also the advancement of civilization.
Review Break!!! Stand up if true, throw up a ‘thumbs down’ if false.
The Nile is the third longest river in the world. FALSE!!! ……… THE longest Egypt’s deserts have kept it isolated from outsiders, and it did not have the constant warfare that plagued other societies. TRUE!!! The second cataract is where there is a dividing point between Upper and Lower Egypt. FALSE!!! Egyptians believed that the Pharaoh WAS a god, not being appointed to rule them by other gods.
Egyptian Culture
Religion and Life Polytheistic – Believed in over 2000 gods and goddesses and built temples and statues to honor them. Major gods and goddesses were: Re/Ra – The sun god Osiris – The god of the dead Isis – The ideal mother and wife Believed in life after death. Planned for death: Built tombs Practiced mummification (to preserve the body for the afterlife) Filled tomb with items to be used in the afterlife.
Egyptian Society Society formed a pyramid: with royals at the top, Upper class below them, followed by the middle class, and the lower class on the bottom. Movement between classes due to marriage or job success was allowed, and common. Women had the same rights as men: property ownership, propose marriage or seek divorce. Slave labor was common in Egypt. Slaves were usually obtained as prisoners of war.
Writing Egyptian writing is called hieroglyphics (from Greek, meaning “sacred carving”). Earliest hieroglyphics used pictures to represent ideas and concepts. Over time, hieroglyphs became associated with sounds and a verbal language developed. Originally carved in stone, later hieroglyphs were written on a paper-like substance made from reeds called papyrus. Hieroglyphs deciphered by scholars using a key called the Rosetta Stone, discovered in 1799.
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Science and Technology
Calendar – Based on astronomical observations Mathematics: Developed a number system Used Geometry to set property boundaries and develop architectural principles that cannot be duplicated today! Medicine: Check heart rate using “pulse points” Used splints to treat broken bones Developed minor surgical procedures
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