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Presenting PetrisWINDS Recall multi-platform system and the use in MOL PLc. Ádám Spitzmüller Tatabánya 2012.03.30.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenting PetrisWINDS Recall multi-platform system and the use in MOL PLc. Ádám Spitzmüller Tatabánya 2012.03.30."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenting PetrisWINDS Recall multi-platform system and the use in MOL PLc.
Ádám Spitzmüller Tatabánya

2 PetrisWINDS Recall - PetrisWINDS Recall is the industry-leading solution for the handling, storing, and processing of well bore data. PetrisWINDS Recall has the ability to store, process, and interpret drilling, core, open-hole, or production data in a comprehensive and integrated framework. It is a multi-platform system that scales from single-user laptops and project datastores up to corporate databases and national archives. The design of PetrisWINDS Recall is the result of the integration of geological, geophysical, and petrophysical data in a geoscientific environment.

3 Some major Recall Corporate Databases of Borehole data
Recall Database Clients Some major Recall Corporate Databases of Borehole data ExxonMobil (world-wide) ,000+ Wells Anadarko (Houston) ,000 Wells Shell (world-wide) ,000+ Wells Occidental (world-wide) ,000 Wells BP (Houston) ,000 Wells IHS (Houston) ,000 Wells Chevron (Unocal) ,000 Wells ConocoPhillips (Houston) ,000 Wells ENI/Agip (Milan) 40,000 Wells PetroBank Brazil National Archive ,000 Wells BG (Worldwide) 24,000 Wells TotalFinaElf (Norway) 12,000 Wells PetroBank Norway National Archive ,000 Wells Norsk Hydro (Norway) ,100 Wells

4 RECALL Database – Main Features
Scaleable data management system focused on the storage of all types of borehole data Online and/or Original Format Archive database formats Flexible Data Model Comprehensive support for all types of Borehole data Scaleable architecture Robust structure Rapid data access Efficient data storage Powerful and extensive Datadictionary Full range of data management utilities Wide and varied client base Excellent track record and it runs on Solaris, Linux and Windows

5 RECALL databases and application workflow
Storage area of original data Film Film Extract image files from archive Film Validate and publish Digital film and document files Archive of Image files Tape Image files Digital film and document files Film Image files External Database Recall Online Automatic update of high value curves RECALL Staging Project RECALL OFDB Database Digital Documents Decode and register Validate and publish Original format data catalog Select and Export OpenWorks, Geoframe, stb.. External files RECALL Online Database (CLDB) Export user selected datasets Tape Image files Selected High Value curves QC and correct Online Applications (eXpress, IP, etc.) Database Synchronisation Well attributes Raw Data RECALL Project environment Copy / delete of selected curves RECALL Project Well Master Database Colour code of workflow Project environment 1. step 2. step 3. step 4. step Corporate environment

RECALL databases and application workflow Project Environment (Petrophysicists) Film Field Archive User #1 Operative Environment Online Database User #2 OFDB User #3 RECALL Staging Project A U T O L D E R PUBLISH . CLDB RECALL Project QC READ + COPY OWNER PP+GROUP: FULL ACCESS OTHER: READ + COPY FULL ACCESS

7 RECALL databases and application workflow
PC RECALL_Production /moliszflnx01/ Citrix ICA client RECALL_Test /moliszflnx02/ Workstation

8 Requirements for field data:
RECALL databases and application workflow Requirements for field data: Standard naming conventions according to the tools; exact units Precisely filled File Headers Standard DLIS format Filenames should refer to the measurement method, tool and activity (eg.: MAIN or REPEAT) + Incremental documents (log pictures…)

9 Requirements for users (not RECALL data):
RECALL databases and application workflow Requirements for users (not RECALL data): ! Uniform naming convention ! Gathering last version result data into one file; eliminating needless curves DLIS format Exporting parameters of processing method (eg.: eXpress .inp files) Attaching result plots, documents, images, tables (Adobe PDF, MS Word, MS Excel, JPG, TIFF,…) Plot information (eg.: eXpress/Atlas .pdf files)

10 Not fixed system, it’s value depends on us (and time)!
RECALL databases and application workflow Not fixed system, it’s value depends on us (and time)!

11 PILOT MIGRATION REPORT /Direct load of archive prepared databatches
RECALL databases and application workflow File type File count Volume (bytes) ASCII 73 ATLAS-PDF 12 BMP 1 DLIS 620 EXCEL 71.168 JPEG 4 LAS 346 LIS 26 PDF 542 PDS 149 TIFF 45 WORD 2 Totals 1821 30 GB PILOT MIGRATION REPORT /Direct load of archive prepared databatches into RECALL databases/ Description File count Total number of files loaded 1767 Total number of files skipped 50 Total number of files processed 1817

12 PILOT MIGRATION REPORT /Direct load of archive prepared databatches
RECALL databases and application workflow PILOT MIGRATION REPORT /Direct load of archive prepared databatches into RECALL databases/ Database Logs (#) Unknown Logs (#) Unknown Logs (%) Curves (#) Unknown Curves (#) Unknown Curves (%) OFDB HUNGARY 1027 39 4 51427 3411 7 CLDB 24 16 876 315 36 INTERNATIONAL 90 13 14 9050 62 1 3 100 15 Totals 1144 59 5 61368 3788 6

13 RECALL databases and application workflow
MOL specific DataDictionary (eg.: MOL’s naming conventions) Repair bugs coming up during working in RECALL (later  The disadvantage is the advantage simultaneously: – precisely specificated system (not the dream of common users) + flexible! (we have to exploit it) ONSITE SUPPORT /Local help; MOL specific settings of system; solution of occured problems/

14 RECALL databases and application workflow

15 RECALL databases and application workflow

16 RECALL databases and application workflow

17 RECALL databases and application workflow

18 RECALL databases and application workflow
Logscape Drag & Drop Logs

19 RECALL databases and application workflow

20 RECALL databases and application workflow

21 RECALL databases and application workflow

22 RECALL databases and application workflow
PetrisWINDS Recall PETROS3 PetrisWINDS Recall PETROS 3 is the most recent release of Petris petrophysical analysis package. Major improvements have been made in all areas of data handling and processing, particularly in the data correction, log modeling and interpretation areas.

23 RECALL databases and application workflow

24 RECALL databases and application workflow
Recall Data Management – RAVEN Thre Raven suite is a roboust, automated validation engine for Recall through extensive investeigation into data loaded info Recall databases And rule-based evaluations of data quality and metrics. The Raven Package is centered on two key components The Conventions verification module tests value of atributes populated in Recall. Among tests performed by this module are standarsization of naming conventions for logs and curves, validity of mandatory values and a review of the totality of data sets. The Bulk Data verification module thoroughly searches borhole data for any anomalies, such as variances generated a data acquisition system or poorly formatted data from an outside source. This module’s analyses include verification of invalid data caused by data gaps, and detection of unexpected tool responses.

25 RECALL databases and application workflow

26 RECALL databases and application workflow
PetrisWINDS Recall – IMPETUS Total solution for Image and Dip Interpretation Use wizard to QC and process raw data Interact with images through intuitive modern interface Simultaneously visualise your interpretation in 3D views Use Logscape to see how it fits the bigger picture

27 RECALL databases and application workflow
IMPETUS See freshly processed data ready for interpretation

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29 RECALL databases and application workflow

30 RECALL databases and application workflow

31 Thank you for your attention!!!

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