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The Fight for a Clean Energy Future

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1 The Fight for a Clean Energy Future
Presentation to Physicians for Social Responsibility September 15, Jessica Scott Regional Director, Interior West

2 About Vote Solar Vote Solar, founded in 2002, is a national nonprofit working to bring solar energy into the mainstream. Vote Solar has 16 staff working in 22 states around the country to make solar more affordable and more accessible to all.

3 What We Do Regulatory Participation and Intervention
Direct Policymaker Education Diverse Advocacy Partnerships Public Communication and Grassroots Engagement

4 2016 Vote Solar Campaigns Primary State Campaigns Support Role
VS Staff

5 Policy Priorities Net metering and electric rate design
Community Solar Grid Integration Solar Market Drivers Financing

6 NEM & Rate Design Goal: Protect DG customers’ right to self-generate and receive fair value for energy they export. Advocate for rates that encourage/enable solar and storage. States: National Coverage (identified states include AZ, CA, CO, ID, GA, LA, MA, NV, NM, NY, VT)

7 Community Solar Goal: Expanding access to solar for more Americans.
States: DC, GA, MD, NY, National

8 Grid Integration Goal: Enable a clean distributed grid. Focus on updating distribution planning and regional level planning practices. States: CA, Western U.S. Cleaner More Efficient Lower Cost Active Energy Users

9 Solar Market Drivers + Incentives
Goal: Increasing procurement of solar (2016 focus on tax policy) States: FL, GA

10 Financing Goal: Expanding access to innovative financing options
States: CT,FL, NC

11 Policy Issue Focus by State
Program Area States Net Metering & Rate Design National Coverage (identified states include AZ, CA, CO, ID, GA, LA, MA, NV, NM, NY, VT) Grid Integration CA, Western US Community Solar National, DC, GA, MD, NY Solar Market Drivers (RPS legislation, RE Procurement, IRP work) FL, GA Financing FL, NC

12 Net Metering: A National Fight
Utility interests are: Well-resourced Well-coordinated Working on their home turf

13 How Fossil Fuel Interests Attack Clean Energy
State Energy Policy Flawed Reports Public Comment/testimony Media/Communications Influence Regulators Influence Legislators Influence Customers Campaign Contributions Model Legislation TV Ads & Direct Mail

14 A Sampling of Front Groups
60 Plus Association ALEC American Commitment American Energy Alliance Americans for Prosperity Americans for Tax Reform American Tradition Institute Beacon Hill Institute The Center for the American Experiment Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow Competitive Enterprise Institute Continental Economics Edison Electric Institute Energy and Environment Legal Institute Heartland Institute Institute for Policy Innovation Freedom Action Independent Women’s Forum John Locke Foundation State Policy Network National Center for Policy Analysis National Taxpayers Union Washington Policy Center The Yankee Institute

15 The Utility Messaging Playbook
The ‘Cost Shift’ Bogeyman: Claim 1: Solar customers aren’t paying their fair share Claim 2 (or 1.1): Rooftop solar comes at the expense of disadvantaged consumers or communities of color

16 Low Income Solar Policy Guidebook

17 How do we win? People Power for Solar Power
Poll after poll clearly show that Americans want more emphasis on solar

18 The energy system of the future
Source: … to solar & storage Multi-directional power flow Efficient Less water- and carbon-intensive Resilient and highly reliable High penetration of renewables Demand follows supply Smarter Opportunities for new market entrants From centralized supply … One-way power flow Inefficient (65-70% losses) Water- and carbon-intensive Old, vulnerable and fragile Low penetration of renewables Supply follows demand Not so smart Strong barriers to entry

19 Jessica Scott, Regional Director

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