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Shall I use a pencil and paper method?

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Presentation on theme: "Shall I use a pencil and paper method?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shall I use a pencil and paper method?
St. Paul’s Primary School Parents Meeting on: Progression through Calculations Shall I use a pencil and paper method? Do I need jottings ? Can I do it in my head? Do I need to use a calculator?

2 DfEE 1999 ‘Parents who are confident about maths tend to have children who are also confident, and these children are ready to tackle and assimilate new ideas in a way that is impossible for children who feel uncertain about, or even fear, maths.’

3 Aims To look at the ways in which the teaching of mathematics has changed; To look at how children calculate; Try activities to develop calculation strategies; To look at ways in which parents can help their children

4 How has mathematics changed?
Daily mathematics lesson; Emphasis on mental calculations; Interactive whole class and group teaching; Enjoyable practical approaches; Mathematics with understanding

5 Your turn! How would you solve these questions mentally? 157 + 65 =
245 – 152 = 46 x 22 = 154 ÷ 7 =

6 Daily Maths Lessons. The daily maths lesson usually includes:
Mental and Oral Starter: Warm-up, practise and recall of skills involving the whole class. Main Teaching Activity: Direct teaching through demonstrating, modelling and discussion. Teachers use a variety of visual, aural and kinaesthetic resources and mathematical language during this part of the daily maths lesson. Children participate actively in activities related to the learning objective. Plenary: Reference is made to the learning objective of the lesson.

7 By Year 6 we want your child to…
Recall key number facts eg. number bonds to 10 and associated bonds to 100. Have a good understanding of the four operations- + - x ÷. Have an efficient, reliable method of calculation for each operation. Apply what they know. Use a calculator effectively.

8 More details… FS- practical mathematics (+, -)
Years 1 & 2- practical mathematics moving onto early recording (+, -) Years 3 & 4- Beginning to record formally Years 5 & 6- Formal recording methods

9 How to help your child with mathematics

10 Parents can help by … Counting with your child Playing number games
Use a clock at home to help them become familiar with time Involve your child when taking measurements or weighing items Take note of numbers in real life e.g. telephone numbers, bus numbers, lottery numbers etc Give your child opportunities to use money to shop, check change etc Talking about the mathematics in football e.g.. How many points does your favourite team need to catch the next team in the division? When helping your child calculate, use the method that they have been taught at school.

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