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Where is Tornado Alley? AF1 - Drawing a choropleth map

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Presentation on theme: "Where is Tornado Alley? AF1 - Drawing a choropleth map"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where is Tornado Alley? AF1 - Drawing a choropleth map
AF3 - describe the distribution of tornadoes AF4 -  explain the formation of a tornado

2 STARTER: Tornadoes are so good they have
made lots of films about them! List the impacts of a tornado:

3 It is a choropleth map that shows the number of males
What is this type of map called? In which state is the greatest number of males compared to women? What is the data? It is a choropleth map that shows the number of males per 100 females. The biggest imbalance is in Alaska with men to 100 females

4 AF1: Create a choropleth map of tornado deaths in the USA,
Ohio 85 Oklahoma 113 Oregon 3 Pennsylvania 26 South Carolina 53 South Dakota 8 Tennessee 38 Texas 114 Utah 1 Virginia 13 Washington 6 West Virginia 100 Wisconsin 117 Wyoming 2* State Deaths Alabama 72 Arizona 2 Arkansas 55 Colorado 10 Connecticut 34 Delaware Florida 25 Georgia 203 Idaho Illinois 613 Indiana 71 Iowa 92 Kansas 82 Kentucky 76 Louisiana 49 Maine 1 Maryland 16 Massachusetts 94 Michigan 115 Minnesota 72 Mississippi 317 Missouri 158 Montana 2 Nebraska 101 New Hampshire 6 New Jersey 5 New Mexico New York 4 North Carolina 23 North Dakota 10 Create a key, no more than 4 colours, equal range, no white, similar to this example – change the numbers

5 Use this map, ignore Alaska.
Describe the distribution of deaths from tornadoes. Remember data, place names, direction Finally, draw around the states you think form Tornado Alley.

6 Draw a line around or shade in the area of Tornado Alley and
add it to your key. What is the source of the warm moist air pictured in green? Where is the warm dry air pictured in orange coming from? The blue? Why do you think there are a lot of deaths in states like Illinois and Mississippi despite being on the edge of Tornado Alley? Lack of prediction, preparation and planning in these areas as they are focused on areas with there is a high frequency of tornadoes.

7 Map Skills Test

1. What does DL stand for? _____________ 2. Give the 4 figure grid reference for Oregon _ _ _ _ 3. Give the 4 figure grid reference for Lake Michigan _ _ _ _ 4. Give the 6 figure grid reference for ‘I’ of Iowa _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. Give the 6 figure grid reference for Washington D.C. _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. Which state is the furthest southeast? ____________ 7. Which state is southwest of Montana? ____________ 8. Which state is 1000 miles northwest of the centre of Tennessee? ___________ 9. What is the area of Colorado? _________square miles 10. What is the shortest, straight line, distance you would travel to get from Mexico to the centre of Washington D.C.?____________ miles.

9 Answers – swap books Delaware 0022 0522 044238 067232 Florida Idaho
New York Roughly 367 x 500 = square miles 5.5cm/1.5cm x 500miles = 1833 miles

10 Set a target… A: 9-10, B: 7-8, C: 5-6, D: 3-4, E: 1-2
Write their grade then the following; WWW (what went well): EBI (even better if): Using a key 4 figure grid references 6 figure grid Direction Scale

11 Annotate your diagram with the information from the link (above), you have 1 minute per slide to add information to explain how a tornado forms. Aim to add connectives, such as, because and therefore to add detail.

12 Plenary: Describe what you would do and what you would have already done, knowing you live in a high risk area?

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