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Focus Hub Focus 2 Hub Every Tuesday night, 5:30pm – 7.00pm

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1 Focus Hub Focus 2 Hub Every Tuesday night, 5:30pm – 7.00pm
*Mandatory fields *Full name: Preferred name: Church / Kids Club (if any): School year: School: *Any medical/allergy/special needs details: CHILD’S DETAILS (please detail each child on a separate form) *Name: *Contact telephone: *Address: Mobile: PARENT’S / GUARDIAN’S DETAILS AGREEMENT TO BE SIGNED BY PARENT / GUARDIAN I confirm this child to be in good health and likely to be capable of the activities taking place at the Focus hub I therefore agree to him / her taking part in these activities. In the event of an accident, I consent to any necessary medical treatment, which might include the use of mild analgesics such as paracetamol, being given to this child. I am aware that photographs may be taken at the event and that these pictures may be used by St Paul’s Church for promoting future children’s work. *Signed: *Date: Please return form with your payment by 15/10/16 to: St Paul’s Church Office, Fisherton St, Salisbury SP2 7QW    Every Tuesday night, 5:30pm – 7.00pm For Children in school years 5-6 Entry £2 per child each week, Or £20 up front for one term Meeting in the Fisherton Hall An evening of fun, bible study And time to chill and chat friends For further info visit or contact Debbie Boyt, Children's Pastor on ext. 204, ‘Events are run under St Paul’s Safeguarding Policy, available on request. In event of emergency on the evening please phone *Date of birth: *Sex: male / female Names of any friends also coming: Focus Hub A fun and relaxed evening of chilling with friends, eating toast and studying the bible. We will be covering various different parts of the bible in an easy and understandable way.

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