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The Science of Biology Ch. 1

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1 The Science of Biology Ch. 1

2 What is Science? Science studying the natural world around us; MUST be open to tests, discussion and CHANGE How do we Test things in our world? We learn through patterns and connections between different ideas Does Science “prove” things? Most of the time…no. Researchers find small amounts of information through tests and over time really just increase our understanding of our world

3 How do we Test the Natural World?
Scientific Methodology: 1) Observation- we notice/describe a situation 2) Hypothesis- testable scientific explanation for observations based on information 3) Controlled Experiment- Find a way to test just one variable in your hypothesis Independent variable- one that changes in the experiment Dependent variable- one that changes as result of the independent variable In an experiment there should always be a group not affected by the independent variable called a control group

4 How do we Test the Natural World?
4) Analyze Data- review the results from the experiment and compare it to the hypothesis Quantitative data- measured by numbers Qualitative data- measures by words 5) Conclusion- show hypothesis to be correct or invalid 6) Adjust hypothesis and repeat process

5 Example

6 You Try Observation: You friend seems to have more energy during Biology class when he/she drinks coffee before the class. Hypothesis? Dependent Variables? Independent Variables? Design an experiment? What is your control group?

7 Discussing Science What makes a good scientist?
Curious Skeptic Open-minded Creative How does technology aid scientific discoveries? As science allows technology to upgrade, technology allows science to make further discoveries Telescopes, microscopes, computers, etc…

8 Theories and Laws Theories Laws
are based on extensive observations and experiments but can change over time as more information is found Laws are always consistent and do not change

9 Problems with Science What problems can occur with the scientific method? Errors mistakes in the data or the use of the data may give false information Bias personal views on issues can alter how you see your results Peer Review Publications: To help stop mistakes in science, experimental data is published in Peer Review Articles so other scientists can share and retest the results of others

10 What is Biology “Bio-” life; living things “-logy” the study of
Biology is the study of life What makes a living thing? Made of cells Genetic Code Grow and Develop React to their environment Reproduce Maintain homeostasis Evolve over time Consume material and energy

11 What is Biology Made of Cells cell is the smallest unit of life and a living thing must be made of at least one cell Genetic Code All living things have their genetic information stored in DNA Grow and Develop all living this have stages of growth and a life cycle React to their Environment all living things react to stimulus from their environment

12 What is Biology 5) Reproduce all living things must reproduce and pass on their DNA in some form 6) Maintain Homeostasis all living things must adjust their internal environment as they develop/react to stimulus 7) Evolve over time all living things change over time as generations pass on their DNA and reproduce 8) Consume Materials/Energy all living things have a metabolism and must use materials/energy to survive

13 What Do We Study in Biology
Cellular Life Heredity Matter and Energy Growth, Development, and Reproduction Homeostasis Evolution Structure and Function Diversity of Life Interdependence Explaining our Knowledge

14 What Future Do You have in Biology?
Ecology Biotechnology Disease Evolution Genomics Molecular Biology

15 Wow! Biology is SO cool! Homework Read Ch. 1 and do vocabulary lists
Do the “Apply Vocabulary” for each section in CH. 1 and p , #1-15 in your notebook. Read Ch.2

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