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„Answer to the crisis” programme

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1 „Answer to the crisis” programme
17. March 2010

2 Background In October 2009 we launched a programme to handle the emerging-strengthening problems generated by the crisis in the sector We examined possible alternatives to dismissals

3 Background Improving the energy efficiency
The ideas raised in the presentation were munitions for many of us in the negotiations for the energy agreements 2010 On monthly basis consultations are organised on this issue in the VIMOSZ headquarters (positive feedback) We started to develop the cooperation possibilities coming from the unified volumes

4 Background Human resource management
The presentation helped to structure some new terms for the participants e.g. in connection with misbelieves on temporary work Speakers with practical experience provided useful information: temporary work, motivation, HR-applications/projects

5 Continuation The positive experiences and feedback encouraged us to continue the programme The legal situation connected to the reorganisation of the national dialogue councils (NDC) delayed the next programme of the „Answer to the crises” series At the end of 2009 the remaining funds from the NDC budget was spent on the preparatory works

6 Sales The problems raised by „The crisis and the Hungarian hotel industry” laid the common foundations that help to the answers to the sales problems in a uniform manner Linked to this a publication was planned, too, but as not implemented

7 Efficient use of the internet
The document on the efficient use of the internet draws the attention to specific aspects and solutions offered by this increasingly important area, as part of the preparation

8 Training The introduction to the current situation of training prepares the continuation of the the HR part of the „Answer to the crisis” programme. The impacts of the transformation of the education system some years before are only partial and there is little awareness of the.

9 Public catering procurement
After the Italian example, the statistics of the public catering procurement has been prepared as first experiment, 2009 There had not been any summary of the statistics of the public catering procurement in Hungary before It was meant to be a discussion paper that defines the actins required in future in this area

10 Public catering procurement
There was very little time to prepare the document The methodology was criticised The results reconfirm the hypotheses and the Italian experiences

11 Public catering procurement – main conclusion
The number of terminated, postponed, unsuccessful, invalid and amanded tenders is inproportionally high Probably around 80 % of the tenders are decided o the basis of the lowest price offered More rational tenders would require a clearer communication of the data and a greater transaprency

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