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Information Processing

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1 Information Processing
Input and Perception

2 Basic Model + Sensory Input
What is the Basic Model of Information Processing? Input Decision Making Output What are the main senses that take in the information? Vision Proprioception Audition

3 Explain – The Detailed Model
Key Terms ‘Match Up’ Game Task: In your groups attempt to match up the key terms of the detailed model with the correct explanation.

4 Explain – Key Terms Answers
Display- Sporting Environment from which information is gathered. Sensory system (stores) – Receptors. Used to sense information-Vision, Audition, Equilibrium, Touch, Kinaethesis. Perceptual Mechanisms (Perception) – Information is interpreted and sorted.

5 Explain-Key Terms Answers (cont)
Decision Mechanisms – making decisions. Effector Mechanisms – Sending impulses to the muscles that need to know. Muscle system - Muscular contractions during movement creating the response (Motor Output) Response – The Action! Feedback – information used to amend performance.

6 Information Processing
Input Perception Memory Decision Making Output Feedback

7 Perception You are a Batsman just about to receive a bowl from Andrew Flintoff! Explain the Display? The ball, bowler’s body, wicket, grass, umpire, stumps, crowd, advertisements etc. So What Happens Next!?

8 Perception:-Selective Attention
Process by which the brain interprets and makes sense of information Spatial Awareness Test Can you count how many passes are made by the white team in the following video? YouTube - Test Your Awareness: Do The Test

9 Selective Attention SO…… Andrew Flintoff has just bowled his next ball. What are the relevant cues that you attend too? Bowlers Arm & Ball Block out everything else. The ability to focus on relevant stimuli and disregard irrelevant stimuli

10 Selective Attention - Investigation
6 volunteers - 5 throwers 1 catcher 5 yellow tennis balls & 1 orange ball On the Command “Throw” all 6 balls are gently thrown at the catcher who must attempt to catch the orange ball. X 10 Same again with a name of a thrower added. The catcher must try to catch this ball. X10 As above but only the nominee throws

11 Selective Attention What strategies could a cricket coach use to help a novice to improve selective attention? Relevance: Point out relevant cues e.g. “Keep your eye on the ball” Expectation: Practice focussing on the ball Vividness / Stimulus intensity: Make stimuli stand out E.g. Ball could be brighter or larger than normal Limit the Display: Nets Practice – reduce stimuli – E.g. practice one shot – one decision.

12 Factors that help us select information
Expectation: - The skilled Batsman pays attention to the bowlers arm to predict delivery. Relevance: - We notice what is relevant such as the bowlers arm action not a aeroplane passing by Vividness: – we will attend to something vivid e.g. a sudden movement.

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