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SIM GE Game Jam 2016 [please include your name here]

2 Guidelines of usage [Please use this slide to help you in your presentation for the Game Jam Competition. It should include all 4 elements in accordance to the matrix] [Game Design] [Game Mechanics] [Learning value] [Entertainment] [Please refer to the individual section to find out more about the sections]

3 Game Design [High-level Concept] This is a simple statement that explains your game. This can be thematic or gameplay related and is linked to the problem / scenario you identified in Clarifying Objectives. For example: This game is about how fat storage affects the body’s capabilities. [Story and Background] [This is where you can expand on the background of the game, and elaborate on the narrative around which the game is built. ] [Game Play Overview] [A longer description of the game, which could be fairly story-oriented. In this section, talk about what the player does. Describe the actions (mechanics) that you know will be in the game using verbs. ] [For example: Players will have to explore the stomach cavity, and find tools that will help them to reduce the stored body fat. ] [Key Features] [A bullet point list of what the player can expect.]

4 Game Mechanics [These are the specifics of how the game is structured and how that structure creates the journey or experience for the player. This section shows how you plan to use the mechanical aspects of game design to achieve your design goals stated above. ] [You should ensure you include an explanation of your use of environment, dialogue, objects and interaction, rewards and success – and how this leads to experiential learning.]

5 Learning Value [In this section you would state your learning objectives and how your game plans to achieve them, and how you might measure them. It should include the following: [Learning Objectives] [What do you want the players to learn from their game experience? Describe this in terms of the concepts, context and content you are aiming for. You may also describe this in terms of knowledge, skills, capability and decision making experience that you want the players to gain.] [Educational Plan] [How will your game achieve the learning objectives you describe above? This is where you link the game mechanics, story and other design elements to show how they work together to create your intended learning outcomes. ] [Outcome Measurement] [How do you plan to check, test or assess whether or not the player has achieved your learning objectives? Do you use a score that measures certain success factors? Have you created milestones that can only be reached with the successful application of lessons learned? This is where you show how you plan to measure the learning success.]

6 Entertainment [The fun-factor, this is where you define how and why you believe the players should enjoy the game. Will they want to repeat it, and why? Will they enjoy the immersion? Is the story meant to be compelling? Are you using strong success rewards for emotional satisfaction? Here you should explain how you are trying to blend fun, enjoyment, satisfaction and any other element of entertainment into your game. ]

7 Conclusion [Please include some of your lessons learnt during the game development process] Pointer 1 Pointer 2 Pointer 3

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