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To understand the effect of Mussolini’s policy on living standards

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1 To understand the effect of Mussolini’s policy on living standards
Economic policies including the Corporative State and the ‘battles’ for grain & births To understand the effect of Mussolini’s policy on living standards To analyse the success and failures of Mussolini’s policy on the economy and agriculture

2 Mussolini’s Aims Mussolini, like Hitler, no economist
Early in 1920s adopted populist economic policies to secure power As 1920s developed wanted economic transformation- first ‘corporate state’ Autarky Old economic problems ignored , north-south divide, rural poverty, industry underdevelopment

3 Impact of Fascist policies
Company profits up Alberto de Stefani- Treasury Minister- traditional and helped control gov spending Reduced state intervention, phones and ww1 taxes TUs outlawed Vidoni Palace Pact 1925 2. Battle for the Lira When was de Stefani dismissed? What happened to the Lira in 1926 and why? Why did Mussolini reset the exchange rate of the lira in Dec 1927? How did the reset effect the economy? Which areas did well from the fixed rate and which badly? Impact of Fascist policies on Italian Industry 4. Depression and Isolation How did the depression effect Italy compared to the rest of the world? How did Italy’s treatment in the 1930s lead to Autarky? How successful was Autarky? 3. Corporate state- the theory How did workers benefit in the early 1920s? What is a corporate state and how does it operate? The reality Mussolini more on the side of big industry, Confindustria and against Rossoni. How did the Ministry of Corporations claim success in 1926? Who do you think benefited mostly from the corporations employers or workers? 5. Living standards How did living standards change in the 1920s and 1930s with regards to inflation, unemployment How did Mussolini feel about the change in living standards?

4 Agriculture 1. The Battle for Grain Attempt to become self sufficent
Mussolini saw need to import grain as a big weakness Provided incentives for farmers, grants for tractotrs, machinery, fertiliser etc 1920s 5.5 million tonnes to 7 million tonnes 10 years later Grain imports down 75% Inappropriate land used What were the successes and failures of this policy? Agriculture 2. Land reclamantion How did government money help, give examples? How successful was land reclamation? 3. Impact of policies in living standards How did the improvement in living standards vary between areas?

5 To what extent were Mussolini’s economic policies a success in the years 1925-1940?
Intro- what is a success, overall aims and ambitions Section 1- corporate state Section 2- Achieving Autarky Section 3- Big business Section 4- Popular support- battle for grain, and land reclamation Section 5- improving the efficiency and production capacity Section 6- Improving the living standards Conclusion- Answer question, tie together argument Throughout the essay make sure you are pointing out successes and failures and constantly refer to the question









14 Mussolini and powerful groups in Italy
Lesson Aims To understand the Relations with centres of influence in Italy including: the king, the army, industrial and agricultural elites, other political parties e.g. the nationalists Focus Essay Question How far do you agree that the Catholic Church and the traditional elites aided Mussolini in his consolidation of power in the years ?

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