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WELCOME Thank you for coming tonight to this very important information meeting concerning your child’s transition from 8th to 9th grade. We will be.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME Thank you for coming tonight to this very important information meeting concerning your child’s transition from 8th to 9th grade. We will be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gainesville High School 8th Grade Parent Meeting Transition To High School March 4, 2014

2 WELCOME Thank you for coming tonight to this very important information meeting concerning your child’s transition from 8th to 9th grade. We will be discussing information needed for your student to have a successful four years at Gainesville High School. Feel free to contact either Mrs. Wiles, Mrs. Markle or Mrs. Strait at , if you have any questions about graduation requirements or course selection.

3 DISCUSSION TOPICS Talent Search Credits & Graduation Plans
Course Requirements for the Foundation High School Program Distinguished Level of Achievement Endorsements Performance Acknowledgements End-Of-Course Tests Collegiate Academy/Dual Credit Courses Four Year Plans for High School Course Selection

26 credits to graduate high school. 1 credit = 1 class/both semesters 7 class periods each day Foundation High School Program Distinguished Level of Achievement Endorsements Performance Acknowledgements High School courses taken at Middle School count in the 26 credits (Algebra 1, Spanish 1 and Health).

Foundation Program Course Requirements: 22 credits English (4 credits) English 1, English 2, English 3 & an Advanced English course Math (3 credits) Algebra 1, Geometry & an Advanced Math course Science (3 credits) Biology, (IPC or an Advanced Science) & an Advanced Science 4 Social Studies (4 credits) World Geography, World History, U.S. History, Government (1/2 cr.) & Economics (1/2 cr.)

PE (1 credit) PE class, Athletics or Fall Semester of Band (1/2 cr.) Fine Art (1 credit) Art, Band, Choir, Theater Arts, Theater Production or Floral Design Foreign Language (2 credits) Spanish 1 & Spanish 2 Electives (4 credits) Electives may come from endorsement areas, general electives or dual credit courses.

Distinguished Level of Achievement A total of four math credits, which must include Algebra 2. A total of 4 science credits. Completion of the remaining Foundation Program course requirements. The course requirements for at least one endorsement. A student must earn the distinguished level of achievement to be eligible for the top 10% automatic college admission.

8 ENDORSEMENTS A coherent sequence of four or more credits in one of 5 areas. Complete course requirements for the Foundation Program. Additional requirements: 4 credits 1 Advanced Math Class 1 Advanced Science Class 2 Elective Classes – From the same program area. 5 Endorsement areas: 27+ total options at GHS STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Business & Industry Public Services Arts & Humanities Multidisciplinary

9 ENDORSEMENT AREA 1 STEM STEM: Mathematics 8th grade Algebra 1 - Honors 9th grade Geometry - Honors 10th grade Algebra 2 - Honors 11th grade Pre-Calculus - Honors 12th grade AP Calculus or College Algebra & College Trig STEM: Science 9th grade Biology 10th grade Chemistry 11th grade Physics 12th grade 2 Additional Adv. Science Classes or 2 College Science Classes

10 ENDORSEMENT AREA 2 Business & Industry
AGRICULTURE: 9th grade Principles of Agriculture 10th grade Floral Design 11th grade Landscape Design & Turf Management 12th grade Horticulture Science 9th grade Principles of Agriculture 10th grade Livestock Prod./Small Animal Management 11th grade Veterinary Medical Application 12th grade Career Preparation

11 ENDORSEMENT AREA 2 Business & Industry
ARCHITECTURE & CONSTRUCTION: 9th grade Construction Technology 10th grade Building Maintenance Technology 11th grade Adv. Building Maintenance Technology 2 crs. 12th grade Career Preparation 10th grade Principles of Architecture (NCTC) 11th grade Electrical Technology (NCTC) 12th grade Advanced Electrical Technology (NCTC) 2 crs.

12 ENDORSEMENT AREA 2 Business & Industry
ARCHITECTURE & CONSTRUCTION: 10th grade Principles of Architecture (NCTC) 11th grade HVAC/Refrigeration (NCTC) 12th grade Advanced HVAC/Refrigeration (NCTC) 2 crs. ARTS & COMMUNICATION: 9th grade Principles of Arts, Audio/Video & Comm. 10th grade Audio Video Production 11th grade Advanced Audio Video Production – 2 crs. 12th grade Career Preparation

13 ENDORSEMENT AREA 2 Business & Industry
ARTS & COMMUNICATION: 9th grade Principles of Arts, Audio/Video & Comm. 10th grade Graphic Design and Illustration 11th grade Animation 12th grade Advanced Animation 2 crs. HOSPITALITY/TOURISM: 9th grade Principles of Human Services 10th grade Hotel/Restaurant Management 11th grade Lifetime Nutrition & Wellness 12th grade Culinary Arts 2 crs.

14 ENDORSEMENT AREA 2 Business & Industry
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: 9th grade Principles of Information Technology 10th grade Computer Programming 11th grade Advanced Computer Programming 12th grade Career Preparation MANUFACTURING: 10th grade Principles of Manufacturing (NCTC) 11th grade Precision Metal Manufacturing (NCTC) 12th grade Advanced Precision Metal Manufacturing (NCTC) 2 crs.

15 ENDORSEMENT AREA 2 Business & Industry
MANUFACTURING: 10th grade Principles of Manufacturing (NCTC) 11th grade Welding (NCTC) 12th grade Advanced Welding (NCTC) 2 crs. MARKETING: 9th grade Principles of Marketing 10th grade Entrepreneurship 11th grade Sports & Entertainment Marketing 12th grade Career Prep

16 ENDORSEMENT AREA 2 Business & Industry
AUTO MECHANICS: 9th grade Prin. of Logistics/Energy Power Train Sys. 10th grade Auto Mechanics 11th grade Advanced Auto Mechanics 2 crs. 12th grade Career Preparation

17 ENDORSEMENT AREA 3 Public Services
EDUCATION & TRAINING: 9th grade Principles of Human Services 10th grade Child Development 11th grade Instructional Practices in Education 12th grade Career Preparation HUMAN SERVICES: 10th grade Lifetime Nutrition & Wellness 11th grade Child Development 12th grade Child Guidance

18 ENDORSEMENT AREA 3 Public Services
HUMAN SERVICES: 9th grade Principles of Human Services 11th grade Cosmetology I (NCTC) 3 crs. 12th grade Cosmetology II (NCTC) 3 crs.

19 ENDORSEMENT AREA 4 Arts & Humanities
Art, Band, Jazz Band, Choir, Theater Arts or Theater Production: Fine Arts: 4 years of the same fine arts area. 9th grade Level 1 10th grade Level 2 11th grade Level 3 12th grade Level 4 Fine Arts: 2 years of two different fine arts areas. 11th grade Level 1 12th grade Level 2

20 ENDORSEMENT AREA 4 Arts & Humanities
5 Social Studies Courses 9th grade World Geography 10th grade World History 11th grade U. S. History 12th grade Government & Economics Languages Other Than English: 9th grade Spanish 1 10th grade Spanish 2 11th grade Spanish 3 - Honors 12th grade Spanish 4 - Honors

21 ENDORSEMENT AREA 5 Multidisciplinary Studies
Core Course Option: 4 credits in each of the four foundation subject areas to include English 4 and Chemistry and/or Physics. Dual Credit Option: 4 Credits from the Dual Credit Crosswalk.

22 Performance Acknowledgements
A student may earn a performance acknowledgement on their diploma & transcript for outstanding performance in: Dual Credit – 12 hrs of college courses with a 3.0 average or higher. Bilingualism/Biliteracy: Proficiency in two languages. English 1-4 with an 80 average and Spanish 1-3 with an 80 average. Outstanding performance on the: PSAT – National Merit Commended Scholar SAT – 1250 combined Critical Reading and Math ACT – Composite Score of 28 Earning a nationally recognized business or industry certification or license through CTE.

End-Of-Course Tests All of these tests must be passed in order to graduate & receive a diploma. Retests are mandatory (July, December & May). Freshman Year English 1 – Reading & Writing – 5 Hours Algebra 1 – 4 Hours Biology – 4 Hours Sophomore Year English 2 – Reading & Writing – 5 Hours Junior Year U.S. History – 4 Hours

24 COLLEGIATE ACADEMY Partnership with NCTC and GHS.
Courses taken for high school and college credit – DUAL CREDIT. Ability to earn 53 college hours through dual credit courses by high school graduation. Must have a 3.0 GPA (8th grade) to enter the program. Take and Pass the TSI placement test this spring. Date: TBA Reading, Writing & Math $25.00 – Paid to NCTC prior to testing Bused from GMS to GHS to take the test. Must maintain a grade of “B” or better in the college classes during 9th and 10th grade to continue in the program. Cost: Students on the lunch program will be exempt from tuition. Their only cost will be the textbook for each class ($100 - $200/sem). Courses cost around $126.00/class/semester plus the cost of the textbook.

GHS Courses GHS Cr. Dual Credit Equivalent DC Course # DC HRS 9th Grade College Transition - Fall 0.5 Learning Frameworks EDUC 1300 3 Fine Art - Spring Theater Appreciation DRAM1310 10th Grade Elective/Sociology or Psychology - Fall Social & Behavioral Science SOCI 2301 OR PSYC1301 Speech - Spring Public Speaking SPCH 1315 American National Govt. - Fall American National Govt. GOVT 2305 Elective/State Local Govt. - Spring State Local Government GOVT 2306 11th Grade English III - Fall Comp I ENGL 1301 English III - Spring Comp II ENGL 1302 US History - Fall US History HIST 1301 US History - Spring HIST 1302 Economics - Spring Economics - Macro ECON 2301 12 Grade English IV - Fall British Literature I or World Literature ENGL 2322 or ENGL 2332 English IV – Spring British Literature II or World Literature II ENGL 2323 or ENGL 2333 4th Math - Fall College Algebra MATH 1314 4th Math - Spring Trig or Elem. Stats MATH 1316 or MATH1342 4th Science - Fall 1 General Biology or General Chemistry, BIOL 1408 or CHEM 1411 4 Science Elective - Spring Environmental Biology or Gen Chem II BIOL 2406 or CHEM 1412 Total Dual Credit Hours 53

26 Cosmetology DUAL CREDIT 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade
Learning Frameworks Speech 1315 Theater App 1310 General Psychology 1301 Intro to Sociology 2301 Theater App. 1310 Government 2305 History 1301 & 1302 Government 2306 Economics 2301 (Macro) Economics 2302 (Micro) Economics 2301 &2302 English 1301 & 1302 English 2332 & 2333 College Algebra 1314 English 2322 & 2323 Trigonometry 1316 Elementary Statistics 1342 General Biology 1408 Environmental Biology 2406 Pre-Cal 2412 General Chemistry 1411 Calculus 2413 General Chemistry II 1412 Cosmetology General Chemistry 1411 & 1412

You are invited to attend the high school Dual Credit/Collegiate Academy meeting this Thursday, March 6th at 6:30 p.m. in the GHS Library. Topics for this meeting will include: Maturity and Social Behavior Issues Expectations of College Professors TSI Testing Information ApplyTexas Application Process College 101 Orientation Proof of Immunization Dual Credit Agreement Form Payment Options Textbooks

English – 1 credit English 1 English 1 Honors Math – 1 credit Algebra 1 Algebra 1 Honors Geometry Geometry Honors Science – 1 credit Biology Biology Honors Social Studies – 1 credit World Geography World Geography Honors

Physical Education – 1 credit PE Class Boys & Girls Athletics Band (Fall Semester) Foreign Language – 1 credit Spanish 1 Spanish 2

Fine Art – 1 credit Art Band Jazz Band Choir Floral Design Theater Arts Theater Production

31 9TH GRADE ELECTIVES Academic Support in Math – Mandatory elective based on your 8th grade STAAR Math score. Principles of Agriculture Principles of Arts, Audio Video Communication Principles of Human Services Principles of Information Technology Principles of Marketing Construction Technology Principles of Logistics/Energy Power Train AVID 1 (interview process) Oral Interpretation 1 - Debate Creative Writing Old/New Testament

House Bill 5 mandates that each 8th grade student have a Four Year Plan on file with a counselor before they enter high school. The high school counselors must meet with each student and their parent/guardian to discuss their Four Year Plan. HB5 mandates that the finalized Four Year Plan must be signed by the student and the parent and be on file at the high school. The high school counselors will be at GMS on Tuesday, April 8th and Thursday, April 10th from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. A reminder letter will be mailed home. Please put these dates on your calendar, as it critical that you attend during one of these times to discuss and sign your student’s Four Year Plan. Your student’s schedule will not be finalized until you have signed the Four Year Plan.

Student Presentation – Today at GMS. Parent Meeting - tonight Course Guide & Academic Planning Chart Use the list of available course list & the academic planning chart to plan out all 4 years of high school. TxMyZone Course Selection Computer Program March 6 - Career Classes March 7 - Health Classes GMS C-Hall Computer Lab

34 REMIND 101 Text Blasting Receive text messages from the middle school and high school counseling office. Standard text message charges will apply according to your individual cell phone plan. Text: @leopard8 to

35 Feel free to contact us:
Thank you for coming. Feel free to contact us: Sonia Markle Rachel Strait Anna Wiles

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