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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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1 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

2 Dealing with Devils Luke 11:14-28
Roe v. Wade was done in raw judicial power contrary to the U.S. Constitution Roe v. Wade has brought multiple evils upon us millions aborted babies, devaluation of human life

3 Dealing with Devils Luke 11:14-28
“Christians” celebrating Planned Parenthood is an example of demonic influence - 1 Timothy 4:1-2

4 Review Luke 11:14-26 Jesus cast out a demon and a mute man spoke amazing the crowd - Luke 11:14 Jesus’ opponents accused Him of doing it by Beelzebul & others demand a sign from heaven - vs 15-16

5 Review Luke 11:14-26 Jesus rebuked them showing their charge was illogical, inconsistent, insurrectionary and inane - vs Jesus warned they are either with or against Him, & exorcism without the Holy Spirit is dangerous -vs.23-26

6 Review Luke 11:14-26 Learn to look for God’s hand at work without false expectations Avoid spiritual myopia by seeing how God has directed your steps in the past, have faith for the future Be wary of deception whether it comes from your own desires, false teachers or demons

7 Identity of Satan and Demons
Satan & demons are angels (finite spirits existing at the start of Creation) that have rebelled against God Angels are persons (intellect, volition, emotion), always referred to as masculine, and do not reproduce

8 Identity of Satan and Demons
They are organized into a hierarchy of ranks, with a cherub being at or near the top Satan / the devil is a cherub who became prideful and rebelled against God soon after Creation

9 Identity of Satan and Demons
A third of the angels followed Satan & some are already bound - Holy Angels outnumber them 2+:1 Demons seek to assist Satan in his effort to usurp God by diverting worship from God

10 Identity of Satan and Demons
Satan & demons seek to be worshiped if possible (Satanism, false religions, occult, idolatry) Satan & demons will encourage man toward the worship of created things (paganism, animism & idolatry)

11 Identity of Satan and Demons
Satan’s lies and entices man to think he can be God like (false religions, cults & philosophies) Satan’s lies and demonic doctrine promote false worship of the true God -cults, false teachers, false worship

12 Abilities of Satan and demons
Satan & demons have the same abilities as holy angels including manifesting themselves physically They can delay God’s holy angels, but cannot prevail - Daniel 10

13 Abilities of Satan and demons
Demons can cause physical diseases and handicaps - Jesus healed people by casting out demons Satan & demons can cause supernatural events and kill people - Job 1, Matthew 24:24; 2 Thess. 2:9

14 Abilities of Satan and demons
Those without the Holy Spirit are in Satan’s kingdom - John 12:31; 2 Corinthians 4:4 Of greater danger and concern is the influence of Satan and demons upon people to do evil (Eph. 2:2-3)

15 Abilities of Satan and demons
Christians do not need to fear Satan & demons, but they should be prepared for battle - Ephesians 6:1-17 To the extent a person yields to demonic influence they are demonized and controlled - even inhabited

16 Protections Against Satan and Demons
Traditions & superstitions (religious rites, incantations, holy objects) can make things worse -Luke 11:24-26 Fear the Lord, not Satan, demons or man - Proverbs 1:7; 9:10; Matthew 10:28

17 Protections Against Satan and Demons
The first step of protection is repentance and faith in Christ - The Holy Spirit seals and indwells Christians The second step of protection for believers is to be filled with the Spirit and walk with the Lord

18 Protections Against Satan and Demons
James 4:6-7 - Be humble, Submit to God, Resist the devil and he will flee from you If you walk well with the Lord you will still be attacked by the demonic, but you will not succumb

19 True Blessedness Luke 11:27-28
She meant this as a compliment, but because it is limited by her perspective, it is inadequate Complimenting the mother is an indirect compliment of the son - “your mother must be so proud of you” Jesus gently corrects her and points her to the true cause of blessedness

20 True Blessedness Luke 11:27-28
To hear the word of God and observe is a demonstration of love of God - John 14: a true blessing True blessedness is related to the eternal, not the temporal

21 Conclusions You are either with or against Jesus, in His kingdom or Satan’s - Luke 11:23 The unbeliever lives in Satan’s kingdom and has no protection against him The believer lives in Christ’s kingdom and is protected by the Holy Spirit against Satan & demons

22 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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