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2 Lessons Aimed At Helping Saints Define, Describe, & Defeat Sin
The Bible Doctrine Of Sin Lessons Aimed At Helping Saints Define, Describe, & Defeat Sin

3 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Temptation vs. “Testing” or “Trials” Temptation also differs from “trials” Everyone will face adverse times Sometimes the adversity is common to all men…at other times, adversity comes because believers try to remain faithful

4 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Temptation vs. “Testing” or “Trials” A “trial” may not necessarily involve evil or inducements to do wrong, but it could Illustrated by Job Job 1: :1-10 He was allowed to suffer greatly…he lost all he had

5 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Temptation vs. “Testing” or “Trials” Yet, Job did not respond in the way Satan accused him of before God Everything happened as Satan intended… except for Job’s response

6 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Temptation vs. “Testing” or “Trials” Some conclude “trials” (adversity) come because of sin…a punishment from God Eliphaz Job 4:7-8 Jesus’ disciples Jn 9:1-2 Yet, God does allow us to see adversity… it can strengthen Jas 1: Pet 1:6 WRONG

7 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Temptation vs. “Testing” or “Trials” The most common concept re: temptation is a solicitation (seduction) to do evil Solicitation is the devil’s work…not God’s Pet 5: Jas 4:7 God “tests” to make us stronger… Satan “tempts” to destroy us

8 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Temptation vs. “Testing” or “Trials” The process by which Satan tempts man can be better understood when viewed as a “formula” Jas 1:14-16

Temptation’s “Formula” Step # Enticement to do evil Jas 1:14 We all have desires…at times, they cry out to be satisfied Satan presents unlawful ways for these desires to be fulfilled Gen 39:7 Acts 5:1-4 Temptation can be endured Jas 1:12 TEMPTATION = DESIRE + OPPORTUNITY

10 Temptation’s “Formula”
Step # Sin itself is “born” Jas 1:15a Interesting observation re: this verse Man is not born in sin (Calvinism) Rather, sin is born in man

Temptation’s “Formula” Step # Sin itself is “born” Jas 1:15a Man does not resist temptation Jas 1:12 When he yields (acts on the temptation), he sins (violates God’s law) Jn 3:4 He is now separated from God Isa 59:1-2 He has a new “master” Jn 8:34 Rom 6:12-16 SIN = DESIRE + OPPORTUNITY + ACTION

12 Temptation’s “Formula”
Step # Death is eventual Jas 1:15b Sin does not (cannot) deliver what it promised (nature of deception) Now separated from God, man is “dead” Eph 2:1

13 Temptation’s “Formula”
Step # Death is eventual Jas 1:15b Satan has achieved what he wanted…a soul is estranged from God All that awaits is eternal death DEATH = DESIRE + OPPORTUNITY ACTION + NO REPENTANCE

14 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Overcoming Temptation The Scripture declares temptation can be “endured” (overcome) Jas 1:12 There are several things believers can do to prevent themselves from yielding to temptation’s “solicitation”

15 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Overcoming Temptation Fill ourselves with God’s word Believers are encouraged to “internalize” the Scripture Psa 119: Col 3:16a Jn 2:1a Jesus provides such an example to overcome temptation Mt 4:4, 7, 10

16 Jesus’ Temptations Mt 4:1-11
Temptation #1 (vv. 2-4) Turning stones into bread Temptation was not about using miraculous power to provide food…if so, how would we harmonize Mt. 14:18-21? Nor was it about abusing miraculous power The temptation was about emphasizing material things over spiritual responsibilities

17 Jesus’ Temptations Mt 4:1-11
Temptation #1 (vv. 2-4) Turning stones into bread The Lord quoted Deut 8:3 Context = provision of manna Man’s existence isn’t dependent upon food… it is entirely dependent upon living by what God has said

18 Jesus’ Temptations Mt 4:1-11
Temptation #2 (vv. 5-7) Testing God Temptation appeared to be an appeal for Jesus to do the spectacular “If You really want men to follow You…get their attention & jump off this temple” Satan even quoted Scripture to bolster his claim Psa 91:11-12

19 Jesus’ Temptations Mt 4:1-11
Temptation #2 (vv. 5-7) Testing God The devil appealed to vain glory & pride in tempting Jesus in this way The Lord quoted Deut 6:16 Context = Israel’s faithfulness in Canaan Man shouldn’t test God re: what He will do if he is disobedient

20 Jesus’ Temptations Mt 4:1-11
Temptation #3 (vv. 8-11) Worshiping Satan The last one appeared to be a “shortcut” All kingdoms (men) would belong to Jesus if He would bow down & worship the devil The Lord was to have the nations for His inheritance Psa 2:7-8 Satan Ù “You can have them w/o the cross”

21 Jesus’ Temptations Mt 4:1-11
Temptation #3 (vv. 8-11) Worshiping Satan The Lord quoted Deut 6: (same context as previous quotation) There are no “shortcuts” to serving God… He demands our total allegiance Satan can’t deliver what he promises…it is “fool’s gold”

22 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Overcoming Temptation Fill ourselves with God’s word Luke’s account of Jesus’ temptations reminds us of Satan’s persistence Even if we endure temptation, the devil won’t quit Lk 4:13

23 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Overcoming Temptation Limit our exposure to sin We can help thwart temptation’s power by not placing ourselves in harm’s way (compromising situations) Our choices will either lead us toward or away from temptation & sin

24 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Overcoming Temptation Limit our exposure to sin Illustrated by Lot’s story His “criteria” for choosing his land was based solely on material concerns Gen 13:10-13 It adversely affected him Pet 2:6-8

25 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Overcoming Temptation Limit our exposure to sin If Lot knew about Sodom before moving there, that was a bad decision If he didn’t know before, it was a bad decision to stay there once he learned… a spiritual danger to him and his family

26 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Overcoming Temptation Get our feet moving – flee!! Some situations just need to be fled 1 Cor 6:18 Hanging around too long allows Satan to make the enticement appealing…we’ll eventually yield to the temptation

27 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Overcoming Temptation Get our feet moving – flee!! Joseph first tried reasoning with Potiphar’s wife Gen 39:7-9 Left with no other recourse, Joseph did the only sensible thing…run away from a spiritually bad situation Gen 39:10-12

28 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Overcoming Temptation Get our feet moving – flee!! Joseph’s situation differs from Lot’s in a very distinctive way Lot was in Sodom by choice…Joseph was not in Egypt by choice, but by means of Divine providence

29 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Overcoming Temptation Get our feet moving – flee!! David didn’t plan to see a naked Bathsheba…it just happened Once in that situation, he should have removed himself Instead, he yielded Sam 11:1-4

30 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Overcoming Temptation Get our feet moving – flee!! The rest of David’s story reveals what has to be done to keep the sin one commits hidden Sam 11:5-27a David forgot what Joseph admitted Sam 11:27b

31 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Overcoming Temptation Get our feet moving – flee!! The right course of action is not just to flee Tim 2:22a It is also important we surround ourselves with the right kind of people who will help us Tim 2:22b

32 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Overcoming Temptation Don’t forget the value of prayer Jesus’ words on a very somber night should be helpful to us Mt 26:41 Such a prayer indicates a recognition in needing Divine help when we’re tempted Better yet, watchful prayer Pet 5:7-8

33 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Overcoming Temptation Don’t forget the value of prayer Prayer is an equally important part of the Christian’s armor in his fight against Satan’s fiery darts Eph 6:10-18 Being armored is not enough…we must seek Divine assistance

34 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Overcoming Temptation Even though the primary responsibility is the disciple’s to avoid temptation & sin, God does give reassurance in a very familiar passage Ù 1 Cor 10:13

35 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Overcoming Temptation Reassurances from 1 Cor 10:13 Because God remains in control, He will not allow His children to be tempted beyond what they are able to bear Implied is God’s constant watch & care over His children and all their needs

36 Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin
Overcoming Temptation Reassurances from 1 Cor 10:13 He is faithful to provide the way of escape from the temptation If we sin, it is our fault for not taking the escape route away from danger


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