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Learner Outcomes Friday (8/18/2017)

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Presentation on theme: "Learner Outcomes Friday (8/18/2017)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learner Outcomes Friday (8/18/2017)
1. TSWBAT: Analyze the different types of graphs and their uses. (F/P) 2. TSWBAT: Apply knowledge to create bar, line, and pie graphs. (CU)

2) What type of map is this and how do you know? 1) What type of map is this and how do you know?

3 Today’s Agenda Starting Assignment Power Point Notes:
Atlas Continent Project Presentations Outcome Sheets

4 Graphs

5 Bar Graph Used to compare data

6 Line Graph shows change over time

7 Pie Graph Always deals with % Always = 100% Rock 25% Rap 45% Country
Other 5% Rock 25% Rap 45% Country 10% Pop 15% Let’s Say…Music Tastes in Coaches’s class. 10 % - Country 25 % - Rock 15 % - Pop 45 % - Rap 5 % - Other


SMOOTHIE KING 5% FAVORITE FAST FOOD 5 % - Burger King 25 % - Subway 20 % - McDonald’s 45 % - Cane’s 5 % - Smoothie King SUBWAY 25% CANE’S 45% MCDONALDS 20% BURGER KING 5%

10 Recap Which graph compares two or more things? Answer: Bar Graph
Which graph shows percentages of something? Answer: Pie (circle) graph Which graph shows changes over a period of time? Answer: Line Graph

11 RUBRIC: Atlas Continent Project (60 Points)
MAPS: Political, Physical, & Thematic GRAPHS: BAR, LINE, & PIE CHECKLIST: (10 points per map) Maps should have: Use data sheets to graph one example of each type of graph. __ 3 Countries (named) __ 3 Capitals (named) __ Titles __ Keys __ 1 River (named) __ 1 Lake (named) __ 1 Mountain Range (named) __ 1 Desert (named) __ Compass Roses __ Scales __ THEME (only 1 of the maps) CHECKLIST: (10 points per graph) ___ For Bar Graph -- Survey class ___ For Line Graph – Show change over time (population of St. Charles parish from 1960 to 2010) ___ For Pie Graph -- Compare data using percentages. Convert Bar graph data to %. *** You may use color to write and outline only (words, landforms, etc). Do not waste time coloring in on your Atlas project.

12 MAPS -- Political, Physical, & Thematic Maps
Atlas Project MAPS Political, Physical, & Thematic Maps GRAPHS – BAR, LINE, & PIE Use data sheets to graph one example of each type of graph. Maps must incorporate the following: 3 Countries (named) 3 Capitals (named) Title Key 1 River (named) 1 Lake (named) 1 Mountain Range (named) 1 Desert (named) Compass Rose Scale THEME For Bar Graph -- Survey the class For Line Graph – Show population changing in your continent over time. (make up the data) For Pie Graph -- Use percentages. (Make up the data) (can be the same as the bar graph)

13 FAVORITE ____________
Names: __________________________ Graph Data Sheet ____________ GRAPH ____________ GRAPH YEAR POPULATION 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 ____________ Percentages ____________ GRAPH FAVORITE ____________ tTALLY


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