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Grants and Contracts Office Post-Award Administration

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Presentation on theme: "Grants and Contracts Office Post-Award Administration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grants and Contracts Office Post-Award Administration
Kay Williams, Director

2 Agenda Demographics NSF IG Labor and Effort Audit
A-21 Federal Cost Principles for Labor Web-based Semi-Annual Expenditure Confirmation System American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of (Economic Stimulus) What is New in Decision Support What Else is Ahead?

3 Eight Year Trends in Sponsored Expenditures Funding

4 FY08 Sponsored Project Expenditures by Function Urbana Campus
Program Total Research 323,587,492 Public Service 55,722,247 Scholarships/Fellowships 28,624,134 Instruction 4,890,269 Academic Support 4,109,531 Student Services 2,053,026 Institutional Support 1,175,972 Others 288,981 420,451,651

5 FY08 Expenses by Funding Source
Urbana Campus Major Sponsor Year To Date Expenditures Year To Date F & A Year To Date Tuition F & A Federal (US) 303,467,118 65,735,559 9,659,306 State (IL) 56,711,879 4,963,045 9,412 Private 37,713,593 5,060,230 953,888 Other Gov’t 14,975,533 2,599,803 192,267 Foreign 7,330,263 842,264 171,438 Other 253,266 35,298 3,608 Total 420,451,651 79,236,199 10,989,919

6 FY 2008 Sponsored Expenditures
Top 9 Federal Sponsored Expenditures by Agency Agency Name Sponsored Research % US National Science Foundation (NSF) $95,421,045 $91,322,136 31% US Health & Human Services (HHS) $67,860,208 $63,797,209 22% US Department of Defense (DoD) $42,497,102 $39,083,994 14% US Department of Education $29,839,919 $2,649,873 10% US Department of Energy (DOE) $23,786,005 $23,386,277 8% US Department of Agriculture (USDA) $18,235,104 $17,386,770 6% US NASA $3,644,401 $3,467,251 1% US Department of Interior $3,279,416 $2,865,382 US Department of Commerce $3,142,137 $1,336,227 Other (20) $15,761,780 $10,818,452 5% Grand Total $303,467,117 $256,113,570 100%

7 NSF IG Audit of Labor Reporting System
Audit scope included FY06 labor data Audit work was performed from November through October 2007 Audit report issued March 2008 Audit Resolution Memorandum is in draft format Semi-annual Expenditure Confirmation issues Timely review and approval Accountability Questioned costs of $6,329

8 OMB Circular A-21 -- Federal Cost Principles Semi-Annual Expenditure Confirmations
Review monthly payroll expenditures for six month period Charges are complete and accurate with subsequent corrections Payroll charges reasonably reflect the work effort put forth on the project Cost sharing is accurate (if applicable) PI has not been absent for three months or more PI effort not reduced by more than 25% (direct or cost shared)

9 Web Based Expenditure Confirmations
On-line Review and Confirmation Direct Costs and Cost-Sharing Effort Commitments for Sponsored Projects

10 Who and When Acknowledgements – Design & Development
OBFS Business Information Systems Departmental Units (Civil Eng, Coop Ext, Math) UIUC and UIS Grants & Contracts Pilot Semi-annual period ending 12/08 6 UIUC Units (Beckman, Education, NCSA) Reports generated and distributed 2/09 Production Semi-annual period ending 6/09

11 Users will log in using their Enterprise
ID and Password

12 Overview screen – Work List
Select Grant

13 Direct Expenditures Summary of Salaries/Wages & Other Direct Costs
Drill down to detailed transaction data Option to attach documents

14 Other Direct Costs-Totals by Account Type
Drill down to detailed transaction data Export detailed transaction data to Excel

15 Other Direct Costs – Drill Down

16 Salaries and Wages By Summarized By Payee
Drill down to detailed transaction data Export detailed transaction data to Excel

17 Salaries and Wages – Drill Down
Pay Periods Listed % effort or # hours

18 Option to attach documents
Cost Sharing - Contributed Effort Option to attach documents

19 Principal Investigator - Confirmation

20 Principal Investigator - Confirmation Statement
Clicking on the “I Confirm” button is the equivalent of submitting a signed paper confirmation report form.

21 E-mail Reminders – System Generated
Pre Due Date Reminders Administrative Designated Reviewer (Admin DR) Principal Investigator (PI) Overdue Reminders 1 Day – PI & Admin DR 2 Weeks – PI & Admin DR 4 Weeks – PI, Admin DR, & Dept Head 6 Weeks – PI, Admin DR, & Dept Head 7 Weeks – PI, Admin DR, Dept Head, & Dean 8 Weeks – PI, Admin DR, Dept Head, & Dean 9 Weeks – PI, Admin DR, Dept Head, Dean, & OVCR Weekly thereafter until confirmation report is submitted

22 OBFS Policy Section – Compensation for Personal Services Charged to Sponsored Projects

23 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Economic Stimulus)
One time funding Quick start activities Separate CFDA numbers Quarterly reporting No later than 10 days after end of quarter Funds obligated and expended Unobligated balances Description of projects/activities Completion status of projects/activities under award Number of jobs sustained, jobs created Detailed information on sub-awards

24 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Economic Stimulus)
Funding Existing ranked proposals New solicitations for proposals OVCR web page with links to Federal agencies OSPRA – notices of new programs OVCR & OSPRA are working on a campus DDDH memorandum

25 Decision Support – Data Marts/EDW
DM – Finance Grants Lifecycle – The purpose of this universe is to allow users to look at the ‘lifecycle’ of research from end to end.  Combines UIeRA (pre-award) information with Banner Grants (post-award) information at the level of one row per proposal/grant.  This is summarized data only. DM – Finance Grants Summary – The purpose of this universe is to allow users to look at Grant data summarized by fund thus providing a manageable overview of the data. The universe contains one row per Grant per Fund.  This is summarized data only. EDW – Finance Grants ITD – The purpose of this Universe is to list grants and grant transaction dollars: Budget, Revenue, Expense, Encumbrance, Reservation

26 What Else is Ahead Grants Accounts Receivable Report (Summer 2009)
Web-based Confirmations (6/30/09 period) Multi-year Encumbering (Jan 2010) Web-based Anticipation Account Request (TBD)

27 Questions?

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