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TODAY’S STANDARD SSUSH1 The student will describe European settlement in North America during the 17th century. (Jamestown - 1607)

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Presentation on theme: "TODAY’S STANDARD SSUSH1 The student will describe European settlement in North America during the 17th century. (Jamestown - 1607)"— Presentation transcript:

1 TODAY’S STANDARD SSUSH1 The student will describe European settlement in North America during the 17th century. (Jamestown )

2 The 1st Permanent English Settlement 1607
Jamestown The 1st Permanent English Settlement 1607

3 TODAY’S EQ What was the purpose of the settlement of Jamestown by the Virginia Company? What were the obstacles that they encountered? How did they survive and become the first permanent settlement in English North America?

4 Backstory The Age of Colonialism In 1492……
The New World was discovered by accident when Italian explorer Christopher Columbus stumbled upon two massive continents while searching for another trade route to India for Spain North and South America This began a race for riches and power as Kings and Queens of Europe began grabbing for land in the “New World” Some went for God, some went for gold, some went for glory The Age of Colonialism

5 The New World

6 Jamestown ,VA

7 England Goes to the New World
England – The most powerful and wealthy country in the world during the 17th century (1600s) There were many people in England who were ready to go to the “New World” to get rich but… 1) James I – didn’t want to spend the money for something so high risk England Expansion was desired; the creation of colonies in other countries.

8 England Goes to the New World
2) Virginia Company – formed because James didn’t want to foot the bill They decided to name the colony Virginia – named after Elizabeth I – the “virgin” queen. James gave them a charter (permit) The VA Company heads across the Atlantic for the “New World”


10 King James I

11 Arrival April of 1607 3) The first settlement in Virginia was named Jamestown, after King James naturally Problems started right away… 4) Hunger and Disease Winter of 1607 – 38 out of 150 are alive

12 John Smith to the Rescue
“Obey this law…he that will not work shall not eat..” 5) John Smith – shows up and whips them into shape Powhatan and Pocahontas gives support

13 Pocahontas (After moving to Europe with John Rolfe)

14 A Second Brush with Disaster
1) Smith is injured in a gunpowder accident and has to go back to England. 1609 – A second group of 600 colonists finds Smith’s group a mess without him Problems with the Powhatan – The English just couldn’t get along with them… However, Jamestown was saved once again by the discovery of a new cash crop 


16 Tobacco to the Rescue ) John Rolfe discovers new strain. Laborers were needed to grow it 3) Headright System – 1618 – anyone who came to Jamestown got 50 acres plus 50 per family member. 4) Indentured Servants – lower class citizens; worked 4-7 years in exchange for passage. Eventually given 50 acres of land 5) 1619 – First African slaves arrived in Virginia. 6) The House of Burgesses – was formed in 1619 – the first representative government in the New World.

17 III. A Royal Colony Problems with the Powhatan continue – they just can’t get along! Rolfe and 1) Pocahontas marry – fixes things for a while but… 1622 – The Powhatan attack the colony again after repeated struggles over land; John Rolfe killed… King James takes over… Jamestown becomes a 2) royal colony

18 Bacon’s Rebellion 3) Nathaniel Bacon – “a tall, dark haired, hot-tempered son of a wealthy Englishman” Detested Native Americans and wanted to fight them 4) Bacon gathers together disgruntled and unhappy indentured servants and rebels Jamestown governor William Berkeley refuses 1676 – Bacon’s Rebellion The storming of Jamestown It abruptly ends when Bacon dies of a sudden illness

19 Bacon’s Rebellion

20 Bacon’s Rebellion Bacon’s Rebellion was short lived, so why is it significant? Bacon’s Rebellion was made up of mostly disgruntled indentured servants. 5) The leaders of Jamestown began to rely more on slave labor afterwards to keep the newly freed indentured servant population happy and to prevent another rebellion Showed the need for a stronger central government.

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