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Why Do We Celebrate Puritan Massachusetts But Not Jamestown?

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Presentation on theme: "Why Do We Celebrate Puritan Massachusetts But Not Jamestown?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Do We Celebrate Puritan Massachusetts But Not Jamestown?


3 I. Context: The 100 Year Delay and England’s Exploration

4 A. England’s Military Power: The Defeat of the Spanish Armada

5 B. England’s Excess Population: Enclosure & Primogeniture

6 C. England’s Economic Resources: Private Funding and the Joint Stock Company

7 II. May 14th 1607: No School for Jamestown Day?

8 A. The Argument for Jamestown Day
1. Jamestown was the First! (Kind Of)

9 2. A First Step Toward Democracy: The House of Burgesses

10 3. Tobacco & an Eventual Economic Boom

11 B. The Argument Against Jamestown Day:
1. Jamestown’s Goal: Gold Trumps God

12 2. Jamestown’s Early Years: Men, Malaria, and the Starving Time


14 3. Jamestown & Native Americans: From Pocahontas to the Anglo-Powhatan Wars


16 4. Jamestown & the Shift from Indentured Servants to Slaves

17 III. Comparing and Contrasting Southern Colonies

18 A. The Colonies’ Contrasting Origins
Maryland (1634) – A Haven for Catholics Carolina (1670) – A Link to the West Indies North Carolina (1712) – A Refuge for Poor Whites Georgia (1733) – A Buffer against Spanish Florida

19 The Colonies’ Common Characteristics:
1. Economic: Rural Plantations, Wealthy Landowners & African Slaves

20 2. Religious: The Church of England & Religious Toleration

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