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Jamestown and Plymouth

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1 Jamestown and Plymouth
Gold, God, Glory

2 Tobacco Saves Jamestown
Video Clip ~ Listen for familiar information

3 I. Jamestown (est. _______)
1607 I. Jamestown (est. _______) Virginia James River Located in on the Land was Belonged to the Swampy Powhatan Indians

4 make money Gold Timber Furs
B. Purpose Colonists supposed to send back: Gold Timber Furs

5 Gentlemen and craftsmen
2. Difficult Times Gentlemen and craftsmen Mix of spread by mosquitos Danger of Diseases Indian attacks

6 3. Saved by the production of

7 John Smith C. Important People
“If any would not work, neither should he eat.” Injured in gun powder explosion, sent back to England, colony struggles again. John Smith

8 Introducing tobacco and marrying Pocahontas
John Rolfe

9 Ruler that gave charter to establish colony
King James I

10 Brought food and peace to the colonists

11 Boomtown slaves tobacco
D. Legacy Boomtown 1. Described as first 2. In 1619, brought to America 3. First largest export was slaves tobacco

12 Plymouth Colony Video Clip ~ Listen for familiar information

13 II. Plymouth Colony (est. )
1620 II. Plymouth Colony (est ) Massachusetts A. Located in 1. Arrived during an families left to survive ice age 19

14 Religious freedom Pilgrims Mayflower Compact Pokanoket
B. Purpose Pilgrims also called Separatists Governed by Learned to survive from Mayflower Compact Pokanoket

15 William Bradford C. Important People
Governor who led the pilgrims to the New World. William Bradford

16 Thanksgiving Puritans
D. Legacy Thanksgiving Tradition of Other religious groups such as the Puritans

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