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History 7: Scavenger Hunt Review Years:

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1 History 7: Scavenger Hunt Review Years: 1095-1776
By Mr. Harnell

2 1585: Roanoke Established Sir Walter Raleigh sent over 100 soldiers to colonize America for England

3 Roanoke Island Present day North Carolina

4 Roanoke 1586: The soldiers all left

5 Raliegh tries again 1587: 117 Men, Women, and children try to colonize under the leadership of John White

6 Roanoke Check out this sweet video that will bring to life what we just talked about

7 1607: Jamestown Jamestown in Founded in Virginia

8 Jamestown Built in a swamp: not great farmland
Early settlers searched for gold and silver

9 Jamestown Jamestown would go through “The Starving times” 1609-1610
People at leather, human flesh, anything.... John Smith helped the colony survive for the first two years

10 Jamestown Let’s watch this short clip on Jamestown...

11 Jamestown What product was introduced that saved Jamestown?
Lets find out... John Rolfe

12 1620-The Pilgrims settle in Plymouth
102 Pilgrims sail on the Mayflower They were Separatists in search of religious freedom

13 Pilgrims Leader: William Bradford
Set up first written plan of government in the New World: Mayflower Compact

14 Pilgrims Helped by the Native Americans Squanto and Samoset

15 First Thanksgiving Held in 1621

16 The Pilgrims Plymouth: America the story of us

17 Pg. 91: Why did they set up colonies? Reasons?
Religious Freedom Gain profit Fur Trade, Fishing, Land Sales Georgia: buffer from Florida, Debtors

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