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Gangs/SYV Forum Tues 3rd May 2016 MoJ 10.00am am

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1 Gangs/SYV Forum Tues 3rd May 2016 MoJ 10.00am -10.30am

2 London Gang Exit Service(LGE)
Jointly commissioned by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) and MTCnovo Launched 2nd Feb 2016 Supports young people to exit gang involvement; both gang members and those who are exploited or harmed by gangs Provides holistic support for 300 young people per year, aged between 16-24, in all 32 London boroughs Complements existing gang exit services and commissioning processes in London boroughs, increasing capacity and increasing options for specialist support 1

3 London Gang Exit Service
Consortium led by Safer London with key delivery partners Redthread, Only Connect, and with the London CRC who manage the Referral Centre Additional delivery partners can be spot purchased to increase capacity & offer a wide breadth of specialist interventions The tailored support package is a “Pick & Mix” of intervention expected to last for six months focused on: -on reducing offending behaviour, gang involvement and harm -managing physical, emotional health & wellbeing -managing safeguarding risks -positive & sustainable change for the young person 2

4 LGE Referral Pathways and Process
Stage 1: Pre Referral Referral Pathways Referrers Stage 2: Referral Process & Decision Voluntary and Community Sector National Probation Service CRC Youth Offending Teams Secure Estate Local Authority Metropolitan Police Trauma Centres Individuals 7 days Referral Centre Stage 3: Initial appointment offered Service Delivery 6 months Stage 4: Intervention

5 How to make a referral To be eligible for referral, the young person (male or female) is required: To be aged between who are affiliated with or involved in gangs To be at significant risk of harm from gang activity, (such as through child sexual exploitation), or a risk to themselves, or posing a risk of harm to others To show some motivation to end their gang involvement and a willingness to engage in the service The young person will not be eligible: If they are not yet motivated to end their gang involvement If they are already receiving extensive support from the borough that they are residing in, or from other statutory organisations, or if the services they require are available locally to them (although if services are oversubscribed or not suitable then they will be considered). If they fall outside the eligible age range they will be considered on a case by case basis 4


7 LGE Support Model Key One-to-one support from Support Worker (Core Service) and/or Volunteer Mentor, combined with Specialist Services: Activities Resettlement support and housing advice Health, mental health and substance misuse support Harmful sexual behaviour support Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) support Family support Education, Employment and Training (EET) support Money and Independent Living advice Outcomes Aims Increased ability to access stable and secure housing Improved health and well-being Improved relationships Improved family dynamics Improved work-related skills, knowledge employment Service users in a safer and more stable environment Reduced reliance/ dependence on gangs Reduced seriousness & frequency of offending Reduction in harm caused by gang-related activity Reduced / ceased involvement in gangs

8 LGE Outcomes: Component 1
Outcome 1: Reducing / ceasing involvement in gangs Of the young people starting the service involved in gangs there is a reduction in involvement or ceased involvement at the end of the service Outcome 2: Reducing / ceasing harm caused by gang related activity Of the young people starting the service experiencing gang related harm, there is a reduction in the number who are feeling vulnerable and or reporting harm at the end of the service Reduction in reports of: Victimisation; Severity of offending; Frequency of offending; and Increased amount of time between offences, comparing 6 months before the programme and 6 months after the start of the intervention 6

9 LGE Outcomes: Component 2
Outcome 3: Improved access to pathways of support Of those identified as needing housing support, there is an increase in the number either accessing housing or increasing their ability to access by the end of the service Improved health and well-being: Of those with an emotional or physical health need, there is an increase in the number reporting an improvement by the end of the service Of those needing support for improved relationships, there is an increase in the number reporting an improvement at the end of the service Of those needing family support due to family conflict or risk, there are improved family dynamics and safety factors by the end of the service Improved work-related skills, knowledge and employment: Of the number requiring support, there is an increase in the numbers accessing and sustaining engagement in education, training and /or employment 7

10 Referral Process All enquiries about this new service and full referrals need to be sent to the LGE Referral Centre: Phone : / 8

11 Thank You Q & A Session

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